20036 examples of touch in sentences

Perhaps we may again touch on this little journey.

There was in the Spaniard a richness and splendour of imagination, an intensity and warmth, a touch of "phantasy and flame," which we find in these two men of genius, and which was wholly wanting to the Roman temperament.

It will give to his life a touch of deep and solemn interest if we remember that, during all those guilty and stormy scenes amid which his earlier destiny was cast, there lived and taught in Palestine the Son of God, the Saviour of the world.

To touch the brave Cowdenio's heart, The Graces all in her conspire; Love arms her with his surest dart, Apollo with his lyre.

'Twas a little unthinking of you to touch upon a sore subject.

Brown has the line in his hand, waiting for any signal touch from the ship: but the line sways limp in the surge.

Keep still, and let me touch you.

there came a tender touch upon my head, and a voice in my ear that whispered, "Son."

Touch the accursed thing, like Achan, and see if you do not end by having it in your tent.

And now one touch upsets the whole mass, and a man servant coolly lifts it up in his arms like a bale of goods, and carries it off to the sledge.

I guess even you have never seen a cathedral to touch it; because there can't be one.

There seemed to be nothing definite in it for her to touch.

Nick helped her down the steep stairway, and the touch of his hand upon her arm was comforting.

He felt the thrill of the touch go through him as though electric wires flashed a message to his heart.

Suddenly Angela felt a touch on her arm.

Luckily there were people who could touch poison-oak and suffer no harm.

August had come in, with lengthening nights, which sometimes had a touch of Arctic cold in them.

The galley which bore the oriflamme was one of the first to touch.

" There is in these two cases of testamentary reparation, to persons unknown on the one hand and to a lady long maltreated on the other, a touch of probity and honorable regret for wrong-doing which arouses for this great king, in his dying hour, more moral esteem than one would otherwise be tempted to feel for him.

"All present," says the chronicler, "crossed themselves for admiration at seeing this holy temerity of the king, who had no fear of putting his lips to a hand that none would have dared to touch."

"His linen is not fit to touch.

Then he heard his mother cry out: "If you touch the boy, I'll throw myself out of the window!" "Oh, hell!" came back from the father.

She would rather die, she says, than touch a drop of ours.

Flowers not only touch the heart; they also elevate the soul.

But shows some touch, in freckle, streak or stain, Of His unrivalled pencil.

20036 examples of  touch  in sentences