20036 examples of touched in sentences

It was very weak and foolish to think of him like this, no doubt; undignified and unwomanly, perhaps; but Adela Branston was little more than a child in knowledge of the world, and John Saltram was the only man who had ever touched her heart.

This man was touched, and deeply.

From the first he had liked and trusted Ellen Carley, deeply touched by her fidelity to Marian.

" "I am sure of that," Gilbert said warmly, touched by her candour.

The parting gift I gave to each was in gold sovereigns; and I was rather touched to learn later that they had agreed among themselves each to keep one sovereign as a medal of honor and token that the owner had been on the trip.

Once I touched your heart, I think.

The reading of microscope I was taken, and the other microscope was not touched during the experiment.

He often felt a merriment that not only touched the lips, but played upon every fibre of the body, and rolled down into the very depths of his soul, with long reverberations.

He had been specially touched by the life of Henry Martyn.

The plan was an ambitious one, too ambitious for Bunsen's time and powers, or even probably for our own more advanced stage of knowledge; and Bunsen ever found it hard to resist the attractions of a new object of interest, and did not always exhaust it, though he seldom touched anything without throwing light on it.

Every one must be deeply touched by the Bishop of Manchester's sudden, and, to most of us, unexpected death; those not the least who, unhappily, found themselves in opposition to him in many important matters.

He touched on every conceivable subject but the one uppermost in Claire's mind, until she began to wonder whether delicacy or contempt veiled his conversation.

The sun touched the open spaces with a tender, caressing warmth, but the shadows held a keen-edged chill.

All the ways of the house gave upon the passage in a space so narrow that by stretching out one arm she could have touched both walls.

came to him, and he touched his horse with the spur and cantered on by upland, down and clump, by Avebury, and Yatesbury, and Compton Bassett, until he came to his home.

He touched the nearest man on the arm, and asked him what had happened.

"It is true," said the Parsee Usbeck, "that, in consequence of a whimsicality (bizarrerie) which springs rather from the nature than from the mind of man, it is sometimes necessary to change certain laws; but the case is rare, and, when it occurs, it should not be touched save with a trembling hand.

Touched by the favor shown by English society to the author and the poem, he dedicated to the Queen of England his new work, which was entirely consecrated to the glory of France; three successive editions were disposed of in less than three weeks.

In 1782 the town had been half destroyed by an incessantly renewed bombardment, the fortifications had not been touched.

Whilst the incumbent continued to speak of the future, of his own sacrifice, and my great gainwhilst his words, without penetrating, touched my ears, and died awaymy soul grew busy in the contemplation of the prize, which, now that it was mine, I scarce knew how to estimate.

The incumbent drew her head there, and touched her cheek in playfulness.

Here was love again, mystically beautiful, so that it brought a new light into the faces of those it touched.

She followed him to the restaurant, touched by his rough kindness.

" She was so astonished, that she at once laid aside her cloak and hat, and touched the bell.

Is it fair to say that Shakespeare was in 'a gentle, lofty spirit, a peaceful, tranquil mood,' when he was creating the Queen in Cymbeline, or writing the first two acts of The Winter's Tale? Attention has never been sufficiently drawn to one other characteristic of these plays, though it is touched upon both by Professor Dowden and Dr. Brandesthe singular carelessness with which great parts of them were obviously written.

20036 examples of  touched  in sentences