Do we say tough or tuff

tough 1182 occurrences

A tough fowl and an old goose are sad triers of a carver's powers and temper, and, indeed, sometimes of the good humour of those in the neighbourhood of the carver; for a sudden tilt of the dish may eventuate in the placing a quantity of the gravy in the lap of the right or left-hand supporter of the host.

The first three especially were highly esteemed; and Laillevant, cook of Charles VII., teaches us how to prepare these meagre, tough birds.

Let these birds hang for a few days, or they will be tough and tasteless, if not well kept.

Carefully scrape the asparagus, cut it into pieces of an equal size, avoiding that which is in the least hard or tough, and throw them into cold water.

This vegetable should always be eaten young, as, when allowed to grow too long, it tastes stringy and tough when cooked.

Those who generally digest vegetables with difficulty, should eat them reduced to a pulp or purée, that is to say, with their skins and tough fibres removed.

Supposing the quantity to be 1 lb. of flour, work the whole into a smooth paste, with not quite 1/2 pint of water, using a knife to mix it with: the proportion of this latter ingredient must be regulated by the discretion of the cook; if too much be added, the paste, when baked, will be tough.

Tough fellows, these detectives.

Rigwoodie, lean, tough.

" "Well, it makes a tough place for him, an' you, too.

"I've already had one run-in with an I.W.W. I know tough customers when I see them.

we'll have a fireplace put in, and waterworksI wish I did not feel so tough and tired ... but she said she'd wait a thousand years!"

"Going to town?" said she kindly, "rather too far for you to walk when you are feeling tough.

Besides these two there were five other boys present "A tough-looking bunch," muttered Jerry, as he trailed along after Frank.

"They are always tough for frying unless parboiled first.

"She is a tough piece," sighed Mrs. Rosenberg, as she laid her weary limbs to repose; "I didn't know, one while, but she'd get away in spite of me.

I long to ride in Armour, And looking round about me to see nothing But Seas and shores, the Seas of Christians blood, The shoares tough Souldiers.

A tough job, sira tough job.

A tough job, sira tough job.

His scheme of life would, he supposed, include women by and by, but hitherto he had dwelt in a man's world, in a universe of space and sunshine and blowing wind, under primitive conditions that made for tough muscles and a clean mind trained to meet frontier emergencies.

A tough but flexible material forming a part of the joints, air passages, nostrils, ear; gristle, etc. Caruncle (Lat. caro, flesh).

That was tough luck, losin' five hundred dollars.

Her husband, who was now over sixty, had never been ill a day in his life; he was as lean and tough as a greyhound and as active as a schoolboy, a good rider, and a crack shot.

these we discovered afterwards to be exceeding tough and light, having something of the qualities of the bamboo.

This trip is going to be a tough one, and I'm certain there is some deviltry afoot.

tuff 12 occurrences

In the winter of 1862, I became one of the "Red Legged Scouts,"a company of scouts commanded by Captain Tuff.

Go,and be satisfyed of my eternal love ah, Gipsey,no, Gentlewoman, I am a tuff bit, and will hold you tugging till your heart ake. Jul.

On the west it is enclosed by steep banks of tuff, which tolerate no swamps of mangroves on their borders.

" Here should come notes to Allsop, declining an invitation to Highgate, and to a Mr. Tuff, warning him to be quick to use some theatre tickets which Lamb had sent him.

The rock, mainly volcanic tuff, includes thick strata of columnar basalt, and one could see beautiful designs of jammed and twisted columns as well as caves with whole and half pillars very much like a miniature Giant's Causeway.

At about four o'clock, while I was reading aloud the oration of Bossuet on the funeral of Madame d'Orléans, the tuff-tuff-tuff of a motorcar was heard, and it drew up at our gate and out got Sir Antony Thornhirst and Lady Tilchester.

At about four o'clock, while I was reading aloud the oration of Bossuet on the funeral of Madame d'Orléans, the tuff-tuff-tuff of a motorcar was heard, and it drew up at our gate and out got Sir Antony Thornhirst and Lady Tilchester.

At about four o'clock, while I was reading aloud the oration of Bossuet on the funeral of Madame d'Orléans, the tuff-tuff-tuff of a motorcar was heard, and it drew up at our gate and out got Sir Antony Thornhirst and Lady Tilchester.

But when the tuff-tuff-tuff of his automobile subsided in the distance, I felt as if all things were dead.

But when the tuff-tuff-tuff of his automobile subsided in the distance, I felt as if all things were dead.

But when the tuff-tuff-tuff of his automobile subsided in the distance, I felt as if all things were dead.

There we took up our station, and thereafter observed the fighting by peeping through windows partially closed with blocks of volcanic tuff.

Do we say   tough   or  tuff