6 examples of towhead in sentences

"Here, you Towhead, you're company clerk; you read so that we can all hear.

"Towhead" had disappeared.

"I'm going up-stairs in a moment, Towhead.

At one of these Dunwody knocked, and the frightened tenant, at first almost speechless at the sight of so many armed men, stammeringly informed him that the steamer had passed late that evening and was, in his belief, tied up at a little towhead island not

With it comes a Latin grammar, and one of those towhead boys has written a hymn on Sunday.

" As the mother tarried by the door for a moment to exchange a last word with the teacher, and perhaps also to cast one more lingering glance at the boy, a little girl ran up to Keith, put her right fore-finger on top of his head and cried out: "Towhead!" All the other children giggled.

6 examples of  towhead  in sentences