5 examples of townlets in sentences

And yet he had effected the change without leaving the penurious little Irish townlet of Dunsloe, which could have been bought outright for a quarter of the sum which he had earned during the single day that he was within its walls.

Henceforth the negro, Ham, using my trap, daily took a double journeyone before sunrise, and one at duskto the nearest townlet, from which he would return loaded with newspapers.

* I felt, I felt, that in this townlet, save the water-gnats of Norway, was no living thing; that the hum and the savour of Eternity filled, and wrapped, and embalmed it.

Montenegro was nearly doubled in size, receiving the districts of Nik['s]i['c], Podgorica, and others; certain places in the interior the Turks and Albanians absolutely refused to surrender, and to compensate for these Montenegro was given a strip of coast with the townlets of Antivari and Dulcigno.

" Throughout Austria and Germany in every village and townlet are appearing notices to bring in gold.

5 examples of  townlets  in sentences