4849 examples of tradition in sentences

He boasts a shovel hat, adorned with a gigantic sprig of shamrock: he sits upon the chest in which, if historical tradition truly speaks, the great boa constrictor of Killarney was shut up and sunk into the waters of the lake.

His kitchens, his smoke-houses, his stables, his stewards, his tobacco-sheds, his fields of wheat and corn, his hundred cows, his vast poultry-yards, his barges, all indicated great wealth, and that generous hospitality which is now a tradition.

There may be some in this assembly with whom the sufferings connected with one's home being a battle-field, may be a family tradition yet.

He had already, it is reported on the authority of well-supported tradition, made a voyage across the Atlantic to Breda, where Charles II.

That, moreover, the seventeen years' war, which had been carried on simultaneously in all districts of Italy and towards all the four points of the compass abroad, must have shaken to the very heart the national economy, is, as a general position, clear; but our tradition does not suffice to illustrate it in detail.

There is even a tradition that the Turdetani (round Seville) possessed lays from very ancient times, a metrical book of laws of 6000 verses, and even historical records; at any rate this tribe is described as the most civilized of all the Spanish tribes, and at the same time the least warlike; indeed, it regularly carried on its wars by means of foreign mercenaries.

The old self-consistent tradition, which Becker has developed (ii.

Respecting the origin of the plebeian games there is no ancient tradition (for what is said by the Pseudo-Asconius, p. 143, Orell.

Up to this time, it had been the fixed assumption of the four inside people, (as an old tradition of all public carriages from the reign of Charles II.,) that they, the illustrious quaternion, constituted a porcelain variety of the human race, whose dignity would have been compromised by exchanging one word of civility with the three miserable delf ware outsides.

The scene of this tradition was far from them, but the Dahcotahs tell each other over and over again the stories which have been handed down from their fathers, and these incidents are known throughout the tribe.

There is a tradition among the Dahcotahs which fixes a date to the incident, as well as to the death of the rival lovers of Wenona.

And according to their tradition, the lovers and family of Wenona perished in this battle.

At all events, there is no one who can prove that their tradition or my translation may not be true.

Their hats were made of the bark of trees, such as tradition says the Giant wears.

O, what a tangle of impure whimsies has this notion of an immaculate conception, an Ebionite tradition, as I think, brought into the Christian Church!

This, whether trustworthy or not, is a prevailing tradition.

The tradition is that, while he was still breathing and had a possible chance of recovery, Domitian, to hasten his end, put him in a box packed with a quantity of snow, pretending that the disease required a chill to be administered; and, before his victim was dead, he rode off to Rome, entered the camp, and received the title and authority of emperor, having given the soldiers all that his brother had been wont to give them.

tradition seems to lend to this incident a greater homogeneousness of detail with the preceding, and he retains it simply on that basis.

The plot was not unknown to Domitia, the emperor's wife, nor to the prefect Norbanus, nor to the latter's partner in office, Petronius Secundus: at least, this is the tradition.

[Footnote: As the MS tradition of this sentence is corrupt, the emendations of Polak have been adopted.]

This question was more to the taste of the old Indian, so while he smoked he related the tradition of the introduction of tobacco among his people.

But it was a Johnsonian tradition to love Goldy, and the accessibility of his resting-place made sentiment easy.

Apex ideals had been based on the myth of "old families" ruling New York from a throne of Revolutionary tradition, with the new millionaires paying them feudal allegiance.

The 'slaving's' no argument against the indifference To slave for women is part of the old American tradition; lots of people give their lives for dogmas they've ceased to believe in.

A typical case was that of a family in which the tradition of Negro origin had persisted long after all trace of it had disappeared.

4849 examples of  tradition  in sentences