15 examples of traducers in sentences

His traducer, knowing this, could not endure his jealousy but dared to slander him for those deeds which he would have longed to do himself.

There had been a duel on the banks of the Cumberland River in which the Captain succeeded in wounding his traducer in the arm, and was thus vindicated by the gods.

Or, at least, it might have been expected that his traducers would only be found among the oppressors of the New World, or the slave-traders of the Old.

The vindication of Thomas Clarkson has been triumphant; the punishment of his traducers has been exemplary.

Detractor N. detractor, reprover; censor, censurer; cynic, critic, caviler, carper, word-catcher, frondeur; barracker^. defamer, backbiter, slanderer, Sir Benjamin Backbite, lampooner, satirist, traducer, libeler, calumniator, dawplucker^, Thersites^; Zoilus; good-natured friend [Iron.]; reviler, vituperator, castigator; shrew &c 901; muckraker. disapprover,

Every muscle in his body seemed to become rigid as he mentally vowed that he would retaliate against his traducers if it cost him his life to do it.

And it is remarkable that they who saw most of Caspar, and knew him best, were most firmly convinced of his integrity,whilst his traducers were, almost without an exception, men who had never known him intimately.

He could not at once separate his dream from reality, for indeed what had he done yesterday after he had learned who his traducer had been?

But he, too, had his bad hours, when the past rose phantom-like about him, and he recalled that evening when his rage had driven him nearly mad with passion against his traducer.

Rather press on all the more for this very reason to a goal which is the friendship of the majority and the common advantage of us all, and scorn your traducers.

It had been his custom, therefore, to conduct himself thus toward others who insulted him at all, and now seeing that Cicero was not so anxious about abusing him as about obtaining similar abuse in return and was merely desirous of being put on an equality with him, he paid little heed to his traducer, acting as if nothing had been said; indeed, he allowed him to employ vilifications unstintedly, as if they were praises showered upon him.

Having been calumniated by a Tory orator at Barrow, Mr. Bright wrote as follows about his traducer: "He may not know that he is ignorant, but he cannot be ignorant that he lies.

Mr. Arnold invented Arminius to be the mouthpiece of this indictment, the traducer of our 'imperial race,' because such blasphemies could not artistically have been attributed to one of the number.

Yet the gentleman whose honor had been the target for these slanderers never uttered one word against his traducers: and, when a friend asked him whether he was too proud to defend himself, replied, serenely, "Not too proud, but too sensible to spread discord in my country's army.

" Thomas Conway was Washington's traducer to Gates.

15 examples of  traducers  in sentences