2136 examples of tramped in sentences

" Anderson tramped along the edge of the field, peering down, here and there pulling a shaft of wheat and examining it.

Finally Jerry impatiently broke away and tramped toward the house.

Moreover, refusing our escort, she tramped three dusty miles to the village post-office, and returned penniless but jubilant.

Then Will, trying to think of some cutting thing to say, would hasten to join his bosom friend Frank Haley, perhaps remarking as they tramped off: "Hanged if I can understand girls anyhow.

Rather hopelessly they tramped on.

They tramped even in the rain, and managed to have a good time.

"What news of the patient?" Tudor tramped up to the hearth, looking very square and resolute.

Having caught up the Levies, we tramped forward along the track made by the first column, occasionally finding deserted sledges and bits of broken spades.

The men tramped wearily, hanging their heads, ashamed and humiliated by the retreat, the necessity of which they could not grasp, having, as they thought, successfully repulsed the enemy.

He tramped along the road, and my sentries deflected his course away from the trenches, but he saw my men scattered about in the wood behind, and at daybreak the enemy artillery began to spatter the wood with a plentiful supply of shrapnel and shells.

We saw the ceremonial of the presentation of colours to the 11th Siberian Rifles, a fine proceeding greatly enhanced by the fact that three officers of the regiment had rescued the colours (originally presented by Peter the Great) from the Bolshevik Revolutionaries, and as pedlars and peasants had tramped for months through the Bolshevik lines and brought them safely to the new regiment.

Isak tramped about with his lumbering tread, and worked on his land; nothing disturbed him.

From side to side he tramped, swinging on his heel at each end of the bridge like a grenadier sentry, and giving Petrak, who had the wheel, a stern look as he passed.

And they were still laughing when they tramped across the road to dinner.

"I shall probably, or rather certainly, be tramped on and shoved," soliloquized Van Bibber.

When we resumed travel, we did not follow the pioneers' trail, once marked by hoof of deer, elk, and antelope, nor the winding way of the Spanish cabellero, but took the short route which the eager tradesman and miner had hewn and tramped into shape.

Armed with this letter of introduction, I sought the spot, and tramped through and through its leafy corridors.

Though they tramped so wearily along, yet there was rest and kind nursing in store for them.

The country beyond this village was not unpleasant to the eye, with its vineyards on the slopes and its green pasturage in the valleys, but the hours went by drearily as I tramped upon the long road.

You know every mountain and trail about the place, don't you?" "I've tramped them all, afoot and horseback.

You wouldn't think that for nearly half a century, year in and year out, winter and summer alike, he has tramped the northern mountainsa lost spirit with but one desire in lifeto find at last her resting-place?

He tramped to the gang at work above the Little Bijou Chute, where they raced the logs to the iron-hard ice of the river's surface far below.

He told this to Roy, speaking in an undertone, as they tramped rapidly onwards under the threat of the lance-points behind them. '

Fearful of the hate of the guard, of treachery among themselves and of the townsfolk in other places, they tramped across the hills, followed closely by the stern-visaged riders.

In Quebec, she was a contrast to the exquisite and diaphanous creatures who sometimes kneeled beside her in the cathedral, or looked out of sledge or sedan chair at her as she tramped the narrow streets.

2136 examples of  tramped  in sentences