2136 examples of tramps in sentences

"Why, it's quite homelike!" "Maybe some tramps have had their headquarters here," said Dick.

"Tramps aren't usually afraid of anything but work," answered Tom dryly.

"We had better be on guard if they are tramps.

It was market day in Bedford, and there was the usual concourse of buyers and sellers, tramps and country people in their Sunday gear; farmers and their wives, with itinerant venders of every saleable and unsaleable article from far and near.

"Besides, maybe that hat is just kept there to scare tramps," said Grace.

Occasionally the police had some trouble with wandering tramps, but Chief Waller's strong point seemed to lie in that direction, and as a rule hoboes gave Bloomsbury a wide berth.

So far as I know the commune has no criminal record, and I am not on the route of tramps.

And the tramps and good-for-nothings, just back from the Island, had an animated, expectant look, as though something certainly was going to happen.

Desperate with being moved on so many times, Jo tramps out of London down to St. Albans, where, exhausted from hunger and from exposure to extreme cold, he takes refuge in the cottage of a bricklayer's wife.

'It does,' agreed Ken. 'Last time I was here, there were two tramps and an old Turkish gunboat.

How very, very clever people must be to find out things like that!" Lonely tramps faring through the wintry night murmured those words to comfort themselveslooking skyward.

It is a great place for tramps to camp in, and half the dingles have little grey circles in them where the camping fires have been lit.

Seated on the porch of the hotel, while he was talking to the group of young persons and acquaintances, were two strangers, whose dilapidated dress, frowzy heads, and surly faces, showed they belonged to that pestiferous class of vagrants known as tramps.

" It was at this juncture that the two tramps rose to their feet, and slouched down the road in the direction of Tom Gordon's home.

The lad was on the point of breaking into a run, when the man, who was one of the tramps before referred to, called out, "Hold on there, sonny!

" The tramps placed themselves while talking so as to forestall any attempt on the part of the lad to break away.

" The lad made no resistance, and the tramps searched him thoroughly from head to foot.

Afraid that the boy, who must have reached home long before, would bring friends back, the tramps took their departure while the opportunity was theirs, and were seen no more.

We tramps and wanderers remember.

A Caucasian man and woman, both tramps, came and sat by my fire a long while.

We seemed like children playing at being tramps, but I felt a very lively affection for these strange wanderers who had come so trustingly to my little home under the bridge.

Tramps as a rule knew better than to come to their doors.

" As once I wrote before, "tramps often bring blessings to men: they have given up the causes of quarrels.

The English old-age pension law is a mere gratuity in the nature of outdoor relief, giving to everybody who has reached a certain age, without reference to any previous service, tramps or drones as well as workmen.

This he will do because he claims: "Your life is in your hand" and tells these narratives as proof: "In 1886 when the present Atlantic Coast Line Railroad was called the S.F.W. and I was coming from Savannah to Florida, some tramps intent upon robbery had removed spikes from the bridge and just as the alarm was given and the train about to be thrown from the track, I raised the window and jumped to safety.

2136 examples of  tramps  in sentences