513 examples of transacting in sentences

In the first years of the colonies it seems to have been attempted to hold town-meetings every month, and to discuss all the affairs of the community in these assemblies; but this was soon found to be a cumbrous way of transacting public business, and as early as 1635 we find selectmen chosen to administer the affairs of the township during the intervals between the assemblies.

Besides the annual meeting held in the spring for transacting all this local business, the selectmen are required to call a meeting in the autumn of each year for the election of state and county officers, each second year for the election of representatives to the federal Congress, and each fourth year for the election of the President of the United States.

In addition to transacting that year the business mentioned, they voted a temple to Serapis and Isis.

What is there transacting, by no modification is made to affect us in any other manner than the same events or characters would do in our relationships of life.

What is there transacting, by no modification is made to affect us in any other manner than the same events or characters would do in our relationships of life.

And yet it is because signs are thus substituted for images (paper transacting the business of money) that we are so easily imposed upon by verbal fallacies and meaningless phrases.

My destination was an inlet of the sea, called Deadman's Bay, from whence it was my intention, after transacting some business I had undertaken, to take passage by steamer to Cuba, intending to return to the continent, after a limited stay there, and on some of the adjacent islands.

With Mr Ronalds I was similarly engaged: but I had the greatest difficulty in transacting business with him, from his unpractical habits.

In the volume before us are two chapters devoted to the character and personal habits of Philip, a picture of his court, his method of transacting business, his chief advisers, the machinery of his government, and his relations with his subjects.

The system of transacting business through mediate agency pervaded the whole dealings of Rome.

When the first Sabbath arrived, he protested against transacting business on that day, declaring that he had never been accustomed to any thing of that kind.

Claudius, believing him, rejoined: "Why, he shall have charge of them two years more!" Agrippina often attended her husband in public, when he was transacting ordinary business, or when he was hearing ambassadors; she sat upon a separate platform.

It has not yet been thought necessary to employ the agent authorized by an act of the last session for transacting business in Europe relative to debts and loans.

They have adopted the style of houses, fences, implements, carriages, dress, and, to some extent, the language, manners, and modes of transacting business, of their neighbors.

Under this system, we have no children who do not acquire sufficient school learning to qualify them for transacting all the business which is necessary in the ordinary pursuits of life.

Mrs. Charman had seen him transacting business at the Bank of England, a place not suggestive of poverty; and he had always passed for a man somewhat original in his views and ways.

"We are permitted to know nothing of what is transacting in the regions above us."Dr.

"While these things were transacting in Germany.

"All this has been transacting within 130 miles of London.

In the year 1564, Sir Thomas made an offer to the Corporation of London, that, if the City would give him a piece of ground, he would erect an Exchange at his own expense; and thus relieve the merchants from their present uncomfortable mode of transacting business in the open air.

" M. de Calonne had just been sworn in at the Court of Aids, pompously attended by a great number of magistrates and financiers; he was for the first time transacting business with the king.

He, though Prime Minister, only held the office of Lord Privy Seal, the Duke of Grafton being First Lord of the Treasury; consequently, when Lord Chatham became incapable of transacting any business whatever, even of signing a resignation of his office, the Duke became the Prime Minister, and continued so for three years.]

You do not, I hope, forget that I once had the honor of transacting business for you?" "You had transactions of my business!" said the lady, "When, I pray you?" "God bless me!" cried Ferret, addressing Richards, "what a charming Italian accent; and out of Dorsetshire too!" "Dorsetshire, sir?" exclaimed the lady.

Had she been satisfied with transacting her concerns in a snug and reasonable manner, and to have gone upon the high seas again, we should have had none of this foolery, to disturb accounts which ought to have been considered settled.

Of John Coutts, one of four brothers connected with the house, Sir William records how he was "more correct in his conduct than the others; so much so, that Sir William never but once saw him in the counting-house disguised with liquor, and incapable of transacting business.

513 examples of  transacting  in sentences