417 examples of transept in sentences

The new-risen sun made a glory of the great east window, and with his eyes uplifted to this many-coloured glory, Beltane, soft-treading, crossed dim aisle and whispering transept; but, as he mounted the broad steps of the sanctuary he paused with breath in check, for he heard a sounda soft sound like the flutter of wings or the rustle of silken draperies.

Contiguous to the chancel there is a galleried transept; a large gallery also runs along the sides and at the front end of the general building.

They are narrow, circular-headed; and occupy the front, the sides, the transept, and the chancel.

No, we stood on the stone in the floor of Prior Silkstede's chapel in the old Norman south transept, which is inscribed with the name of Izaak Walton.

In the north transept are remains of the dormitory stairs, and on this side the cloisters, too, were situated.

To the della Robbias we come in the Castellani chapel in the right transept, which has two full-length statues by either Luca or Andrea, in the gentle glazed medium, of S. Francis and S. Bernard, quite different from anything we have seen or shall see, because isolated.

The next chapel, at the end of the transept, was once enriched by Giotto frescoes, but they no longer exist.

The chapels in the left transept are less interesting, except perhaps to students of painting in its early days.

The terra-cotta bust of him in Cosimo's cell is the most like life, but there is an excellent and vivacious bronze in the right transept of S. Maria Novella.

Trinity"but it is in very bad condition; while in the Cappella Rucellai in the right transept is what purports to be a Cimabue, very like the one in the Accademia, but with a rather more matured Child in it.

The left transept ends in the chapel of the Strozzi family, of which Filippo was the head in his day, and here we find Andrea Orcagna and his brother's fresco of Heaven, the Last Judgment and Hell.

Within, one does not feel quite to be in a Christian church, the effect partly of the unusual colouring, all grey, green, and gold and soft light tints as of birds' bosoms; partly of the ceiling, which has the bright hues of a Russian toy; partly of the forest of great gay columns; partly of the lovely and so richly decorated marble screen; and partly of the absence of a transept.

As Natalie roamed over this vast structure, in itself a world of curiosity, like so many small churches roofed in by one great canopy, she lingered in the south transept, in what is called the Poet's Corner.

Instantly the service was thrown into the utmost confusion; part remained at prayer, part fled into the numerous hiding-places the vast fabric affords; and part went down the steps of the choir into the transept to meet the little band at the door.

Instantly the answer came: "Reginald, here I am, no traitor, but the archbishop and priest of God; what do you wish?" and from the fourth step, which he had reached in his ascent, with a slight motion of his headnoticed apparently as his peculiar manner in moments of excitementBecket descended to the transept.

They led the eye onward to what was called the Arch of Triumph, separating this portion of the building from the transept and the tribune.

Its mutilations are comparatively small, consisting only in the destruction of the tracey of the north transept window, and some featherings in other windows, and the building and wall to enclose a vestry.

This Chapel adjoined the South transept, and was removed during the repairs, under the able superintendence of Mr. Gwilt.

A small doorway and windows, however, are still visible at the east end of this chapel; the west end formerly opened into the south transept; but that also is now walled up, except a part, which leads to the gallery there.

In the north transept a 325-mm. shell has knocked a clean hole through which a mastodon might wriggle.

Just opposite this transept, amid universal wreckage, a cafe is miraculously preserved.

The transepts are unroofed, and of the glass of the memorable rose window of the south transept not a trace is leftso far as I can remember.

Every style of architecture is represented in the interior from Early Norman to Late Perpendicular, and in the triforium of the north transept are to be seen some Saxon balusters and columns.

The eastern window and the window of this transept are full of delicate grace and beauty, each containing five lights, and marked by the singularly charming manner in which the mullions are interlaced above.

Two chapels are attached to the north transept, with a passage between them, its roof supported by a double row of pointed arches upheld by twisted pillars.

417 examples of  transept  in sentences