146 examples of transmitter in sentences

He had been talking over a military telephone, the wires of which were buried underground with a concealed transmitter snuggling beneath the geraniums.

The canvas saddle was between us, dangling against the calves of our legs; and the telephone was in front of the lieutenant, where he could reach the transmitter with his lips by stooping a little.

Carroll covered the transmitter with his hand "Good Lord!"

A mere nobleman is, in his estimation, but "the tenth transmitter of a foolish face:" a mere man of genius is no better than a worm.

Blandly he smiled into the transmitter upon learning that his caller was Mrs. A. Lincoln Wilbram.

It is divided into two distinct partsa transmitter and a registering apparatus.

The transmitter consists of a long glass tube, A, closed at one end and communicating through the other with a receptacle filled with mercury.

Mr. G.L. Anders' telephone, shown in the accompanying cut, combines in a single apparatus a transmitter, A, a receiver, B, and a pile,

When the button, o, which is a poor conductor, is pressed, the zinc plate, l, comes into contact with the mercurial salt, and the circuit is closed through the line wire 1, the pile, the receiver, the transmitter, and the line wire 2, while when the button is freed the current no longer passes.

The apparatus, then, can serve as a receiver or transmitter only when the button is pressed.

Guide for ordering and instructions for installing and adjusting Singer electric transmitters series 59 and 69 and Singer electric transmitter meters series 38.

Thought transmitter mind reading, thought or mind exposure transference and guidance with the aid of scientific equipment.

But Mr. Tylor's reading, in harmony with his general theory, is different: 'It seems, rather, that the sage was, in fact, upholding the tradition of the ancient faith, thus acting according to the character on which he prided himselfthat of a transmitter, not a maker, a preserver of old knowledge, not a new revealer.'

"I believe," he has said, "that in the near future a wireless message will be sent from New York completely around the world without relaying, and will be received by an instrument in the same office with the transmitter, in perhaps less time than Shakespeare's forty minutes.

A microphone transmitter was arranged so that the vibrations of the voice would affect the stream of gas flowing in a sensitive burner.

But when a microphone transmitter is inserted in the sending circuit, instead of the make-and-break key used for telegraphy, the waves of the voice, thrown against the transmitter in speaking, break up the waves so that the telephone receiver in the receiving circuit will reproduce sound.

But when a microphone transmitter is inserted in the sending circuit, instead of the make-and-break key used for telegraphy, the waves of the voice, thrown against the transmitter in speaking, break up the waves so that the telephone receiver in the receiving circuit will reproduce sound.

The systems best adapted to rapid telegraph work are predicated on the use of a perforated tape on which, by means of a suitable perforating apparatus, little round holes are produced in various groupings, each group, when the tape is passed through the transmitter, causing a certain combination of electrical impulses to pass over the wire.

The transmitter as a rule consists of a mechanically or motor driven mechanism which causes the telegraph impulses to be transmitted to the line, and the combination and character of the impulses are determined by the tape perforations.

The rapidity with which the tape may be driven through the transmitter makes very high speed operation possible.

At this time there was no practical telephone transmitter, no hard-drawn copper wire, no transposed and balanced metallic circuits, no multiple telephone switchboard, or telephone switchboard of any kind, no telephone cable that would work satisfactorily; in fact, there were none of the multitude of parts which now constitute the telephone system.

They have created a new art, inventing, developing, and perfecting, making improvements great and small in telephone, transmitter, line, cable, switchboard, and every other piece of apparatus and plant required for the transmission of speech.

Blake, Francis, invents telephone transmitter, 182.

E Edison, and the telegraph, 104; telephone transmitter 180; wireless telegraphy, 195.

Wheatstone, 1; boyhood, 45; five-needle telegraph, 49; single-needle telegraph, 52; Wheatstone-Cooke controversy, 52; automatic transmitter, 53; bridge, 53; opposes Morse, 78; encourages Bell, 145.

146 examples of  transmitter  in sentences