5904 examples of treatments in sentences

The best classical treatments of style are to be found in Arist.

The harsh treatments of the first comers fired the zeal of the more enthusiastic of the sect in England, who sought martyrdom as an honor and a passport to the home of the righteous.

Now we come to the treatments; and here again the parallelism is so close as to be ludicrous.

She was so taken up with the elemental business of fomenting and of keeping warm, that she had no energy left for other remedial treatments, such as distraction in the open air.

The elder, who was dressed in complete black, was the medical student, Basilio, famous for his successful cures and extraordinary treatments, while the other, taller and more robust, although much younger, was Isagani, one of the poets, or at least rimesters, who that year came from the Ateneo, a curious character, ordinarily quite taciturn and uncommunicative.

Leaving the dietetic and medicinal, we may consider other treatments of laminitis that come more particularly under the heading of operative.

Among other treatments to be noted we may mention one or two to be found chiefly in Continental works on this subject.

All other treatments failing, the operation of neurectomy has been advised.

The various treatments adopted for the cure of sub-horny quittor offer the veterinary surgeon a large number to select from.

We are bound to admit, however, that the treatments of poulticing and blistering are only expectantwe might almost say empirical.

In this case we may at first try the ordinary treatments of poulticing; and blistering, of antiseptic caustic injections, and of plugging.

For instance, take the combined treatments of firing and blistering, and the use of a bar shoe.

' Other treatments for the same condition are practised, in which the wound is dusted with powdered iodoform, with potassium permanganate, or with corrosive sublimate, or where the wound, instead of being dusted, has the corrosive sublimate applied in the form of a plug.

If, in spite of these treatments, the disease persists, then nothing remains but neurectomy.

That devil of a physician used new and unheard-of treatments he learned from atheistic reviews and suspicious books he imported from abroad.

The practical book of decorative <pb id='086.png' /> wall-treatments.

Rationale of healing 5, 6, 7, 8; narrative of perseverance 85; summary & outline of intensive training in the aphorism 12; world treatments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Poisons, their properties, chemical identification, symptoms, emergency treatments.

The practical book of decorative <pb id='086.png' /> wall-treatments.

Interior wall decoration; practical working methods for plain and decorative finishes, new & standard treatments.

Rationale of healing 5, 6, 7, 8; narrative of perseverance 85; summary & outline of intensive training in the aphorism 12; world treatments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Poisons, their properties, chemical identification, symptoms, emergency treatments.

In Paris, he had been compelled to submit to hydrotherapic treatments for his trembling fingers, frightful pains, neuralgic strokes which cut his face in two, drummed maddeningly against his temples, pricked his eyelids agonizingly and induced a nausea which could be dispelled only by lying flat on his back in the dark.

In some cases they drop to the low state again, and require to be again brought up, until, after a number of such treatments, they remain in the sensitive state.

The various treatments, and even accidents, through which it has passed in the mean time, seem not to have stirred its molecular arrangement under the action of light, but to have expended their forces in modifying the positions which the molecules must normally assume in darkness.

5904 examples of  treatments  in sentences