554 examples of trespass in sentences

You trespass to get at our men and with a lot of lies and guff you make them discontented with their jobs.

He also said: "The kingdom of God is already within you." Know then that you possess sovereign power to think and act rightly,and that nothing can dispossess you of this heritage and trespass on Love.

The stomach, the liver, and even the heart may endure for a while the trespass of the narcotic poison, and not betray the invasion.

He will not carry a knife with him to wound reputation, and pay double a reckoning, rather than ignobly question it: and he is full of thisignoblyand noblyand genteely; and this mere fear to trespass against the genteel way puts him out most of all.

I do not wish to trespass upon your time, but I have felt that this movement is not understood by a great majority of people.

Our Father who art in heaven; Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil; For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.

But do we not commit a trespass against virtue, when we demand the same soft disguises to drape facts whose disguise is the worst immorality, whose naked hideousness is the only decency, which must be seen disgusting to warrant their being seen at all?

How dare you trespass?

When there is inattention to them, it is caused either by some planters hiring them during their own time, or because their master permits his cattle to trespass on them, and the people feel an insecurity.

6d., one for the wedding ring, 5s., and one for the wife's necklace, 7l., lie at the feet of the father, with the Sporting Magazine; for drunkards generally part with the ornaments or even necessaries of their wives and children before they trespass on their own.

" "Neither have I, then, anything to do with this trespass.

He constantly reminded himself how often woman gives through a sense of duty or through fear of alienating or wounding one she respects and likes; and, so he saw in each impulse to enter Eden boldly a temptation to him to trespass, a temptation to her to mask her real feelings and suffer it.

12.Final s sometimes occurs single, as in alas, atlas, bias; and especially in Latin words, as virus, impetus; and when it is added to form plurals, as verse, verses: but this letter, too, is generally doubled at the end of primitive words of more than one syllable; as in carcass, compass, cuirass, harass, trespass, embarrass.

"Shak. "Return him a trespass offering."1

Indeed they were obliged to trespass upon their friendly savages, by borrowing two of their canoes, under a pretext for fishing; and they came away the next morning, but without any provisions of their own, except a few roots which served them instead of bread.

And indeed so many trespass did they afterwards commit, by treading down their corn, shooting their young kids and goats, and plaguing them night and day, that they resolved to come to my castle, challenge all the three, and decide their right by one plain battle, while the Spaniards stood by to see fair play.

Round each there is a subtle boundary that may not be crossedan individuality on which none may trespass.

" Reich cites (256) a typical instance of Oriental ferocity toward an erring wife, from a book by J.J. Strauss, who relates that on June 9, 1671, a Persian avenged himself on his wife for a trespass by flaying her alive, and then, as a warning to other women, hanging up her skin in the house.

There was to them no temptation to trespass on the white man's ground for the purpose of settling; but every young brave was brought up to regard scalps taken and horses stolen, in war or peace, as the highest proofs and tokens of skill and courage, the sure means of attaining glory and honor, the admiration of men and the love of women.

Need it be said mercy and hospitality are in many respects one and the same, and that when Portia says, "We do pray for mercy and that same prayer doth teach us all to render the deeds of mercy," it is like saying, "We pray for hospitality in heaven and that prayer teaches us to render hospitality here," like "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us."

It is largely a matter of "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us."

The right of law, even as against the military, has been anticipated in an early chapter; the right to try an officer, or even a soldier obeying orders, in the ordinary tribunals, for homicide, or for ordinary trespass, as when, in the Dorr rebellion in Rhode Island, a company of militia invaded a woman's house.

[Footnote A: What the booksellers wanted was not to be left to their common law remedyi.e., an action of trespass on the casebut to be supplied with penalties for infringement, and especially with the right to seize and burn unauthorized editions.]

She felt the hot colour rush over her face as if she had been caught in some act of trespass.

It was with some sense of annoyance and irritation that she watched the trespass, and finally saw the vehicle approach the house.

554 examples of  trespass  in sentences