117 examples of trestle in sentences

"There's a nice place, just beyond that trestle," and she pointed to a railroad bridge that crossed a small but deep stream, the highway passing over it by another and lower structure.

When he reached the middle of the high railroad bridge, or trestle over the stream, he paused, stooped down and seemed to be tying his shoelace.

The road was a single-track one, and on the narrow trestle there was no room for a person to avoid the cars.

It all occurred suddenly, and the man must have made up his mind quickly that he had not a chance to stay on the trestle when the train passed over it.

I should not have been on that bridge, as a section hand warned me a train was due, and the trestle is very narrow.

"And we never thought the owner of it would jump off a railroad trestle right in front of us," she added, with a laugh.

Now, the second mate and the bo'sun set the carpenter to work upon the spare topmast, bidding him make for it some trestle-trees and bolsters, upon which to lay the eyes of the rigging; but they did not trouble him to shape it.

He came down and ate supper with us at a trestle table in the dimly lighted dining-room, and I encouraged his new-born optimism by ordering two bottles of whisky to take upstairs.

The road-bed is fifteen feet wide, and there is not a single foot of trestle work in the entire construction.

The motor road was woven in twisted strands while the railway overhead strode across the gaps between height and height, on a vast trestle that might have been built for an army of Martians.

Carpenter's trestle.

If a trestle should happen to go outthat would be our finish.

On issuing from the passage both go to the trestle that is pointing towards the leading warship.

While Engineer Serko is estimating the distance, Roch places himself behind the trestle.

Roch nods assent, and waves them back from the trestle.

Thomas Roch places himself behind the second trestle as the cruiser passes on to the surface of the abysm in which she will in turn soon be swallowed up.

A few pirates approach to lead him to the trestle again.

Among the earliest of the implements in whose emblematic use it instructs its neophytes is the Trestle Board, the acknowledged symbol of the Divine Law, in accordance with whose decree labor was originally instituted as the common lot of all; and therefore the important lesson that is closely connected with this symbol is, that to labor well and truly, to labor honestly and persistently, is the object and the chief end of all humanity.

All men, then, must have their trestle boards; for the principles that guide us in the discharge of our dutythe schemes that we devisethe plans that we proposeare but the trestle board, whose designs we follow, for good or for evil, in our labor of life.

All men, then, must have their trestle boards; for the principles that guide us in the discharge of our dutythe schemes that we devisethe plans that we proposeare but the trestle board, whose designs we follow, for good or for evil, in our labor of life.

Earth works with every coming spring, and within its prolific bosom designs the bursting seed, the tender plant, and the finished tree, upon its trestle board.

Old ocean works foreverrestless and murmuringbut still bravely working; and storms and tempests, the purifiers of stagnant nature, are inscribed upon its trestle board.

And God himself, the Grand Architect, the Master Builder of the world, has labored from eternity; and working by his omnipotent will, he inscribes his plans upon illimitable space, for the universe is his trestle board.

The ore was hauled by train from some twenty miles over toward the valley, and was dumped from a high trestle into shutes that fed the grinders.

He was sitting crouched on a low trestle-bed at the further end of the hut with his head in his hands.

117 examples of  trestle  in sentences