61 examples of tricolour in sentences

The innumerable graves, single or grouped, among the harvest fields and the pastures, have been covered with flowers, and bright, mile after mile, with the twinkling tricolour, as far as the eye could see.

And the fields are still alive with innumerable red flagsdistinct from the tricolour of the graveswhich mark where the plough must avoid an unexploded shell.

At Barcy, we stopped a few minutes, to go and look at the ruined church, with its fallen bell, and its graveyard packed with wreaths and crosses, bound with the tricolour.

For Cadorna in his communiqué of the 25th had cried: "Since yesterday our tricolour has been waving from the summit of Monte Santo!"

"Our tricolour is waving from the summit of Monte Santo!"

"Our tricolour is waving from the summit of Monte Santo!" If the souls of poets be immortal and know what still passes in this world, be sure that the soul of Swinburne sings again to-day, from hell or heaven, the Song of the Standard.

Union Jacks hung out from many houses, side by side with the Italian tricolour.

In the centre was a clear space, with one very large tent and a cluster of low wooden houses in the middle of it, with the tricolour banner waving above them.

Under one arm was the flat cocked hat with the twopenny tricolour rosette, which was already reproduced in his pictures.

It was the Emperor's soft flat beaver with the little tricolour cockade.

But the Republican French, being nearly ten to one, were practical masters of the island; and Don Chacon, whenever he did anything unpopular, had to submit to 'manifestations,' with tricolour flag, Marseillaise, and Ca Ira, about the streets of Port of Spain; and to be privately informed by Admiral Artizabal that a guillotine was getting ready to cut off the heads of all loyal Spaniards, French, and British.

The French, with three or four thousand slaves, armed, and mounting the tricolour cockade, were awaiting them, seemingly on the Savannah north of the town.

Socialism, or the Red Republic, is all one; for it would tear down the tricolour and set up the red flag.

At the windows hung black flags, or the tricolour covered with black crape, and veils of the same material concealed the faces of the statues on the Place de la Concorde.

True Paris has now but one flag, which is neither the crimson rag nor the tricolour standard, but the white flag of truce.

At the break of day, the tricolour floated over the Arc de Triomphe, without the Versailles forces having sustained sensible loss.

The insurgents were retreating to La Chapelle and Belleville in disorder; the soldiers of the line rushed like a torrent into the Avenue de Clichy, leaving a tricolour flag hoisted upon the dismantled barricade.

Travelling immediately before and after the Emperor's collapse, he found that everywhere, excepting in Tuscany, the French domination was regretted, because the ideals of liberty and equality had shone and vanished with the tricolour flag.

They were tricolour, with straight, short legs, of sounder constitution than other strains, with the make generally of a more agile hound, and in the pedigree of the best Bassets owned in this country fifteen years ago, when the breed was in considerable demand, Comte de Couteulx's strain was prominent and always sought for.

"Colour, of course, is a matter of fancy, although I infinitely prefer the tricolour, which has a tan head and a black and white body.

And the memories of both went back to a place in a desert land where the folds of the tricolour drooped over one little gravea grave where the troops saluted as they passed it, because on the white stone there was carved a name that spoke to every heart: CIGARETTE ENFANT DE L'ARMÉE, SOLDAT DE LA FRANCE.

No painted beauty of the stage waved the tricolour to the shout of "À Berlin!"

G. Tricolour may be sown in autumn.

TRICOLOUR, a flag adopted by the French Revolutionists in 1789, and consisting of three vertical stripes, blue, white, and red, the blue next the staff.

It is written on the newly-adopted Italian tricolour flag.

61 examples of  tricolour  in sentences