39718 examples of tried in sentences

And II have tried as I could to be just and reasonable; to you and Penelope, and to Brookes Ormsby.

I thought as much, and tried to make him admit it, but he wouldn't.

But at the critical instant the mules gave way to terror, snatched the heavy wagon into the opposite plank walk, and tried to climb a near-by telephone pole.

Kent tried to speak, but his lips were parched and his tongue was like a dry stick between his teeth.

At Morning Dew, the first night telegraph station out of the capital, the two sections were no more than a scant quarter of a mile apart; and the operator tried to flag the second section down, as reported.

"What have you done since our last discussion of the subject?" "I tried to 'obliterate' Judge MacFarlane, as you suggested.

Then he tried to find other and larger words.

The first year he tried to get an advance of salary, and offered to do anything, "except bootblacking and water-carrying, which latter my chest could not endure at present."

Wagner could not play any instrument, not even a piano, and so he tried for a position in the chorus of a cheap theatre; but his voice was not found good enough for even that.

Wagner's friend, Roeckel, wrote to Praeger in reference to the agony Wagner suffered from the gibes of criticism: "I keep it always from him; Minna is not capable of withholding either praise or blame from him, although I have tried hard to prove to her that it deeply affects her husband, whose health is none of the strongest.

I tended Minna at the Cure for three months with the utmost care, and in order to quiet her, I, during this period, broke off all intercourse with our neighbours; in my anxiety for her health I tried everything in my power to bring her to reason and to hold views befitting herself and her age.

I was on good terms with Frau Wagner, who often poured her complaints into my ears, and I tried to console her, but of course in vain.

Now, Nikolai, like Anton, had tried marriage, and, after two years of quarrels with his wife's relatives and doubtless with her, had forsworn the other sex.

He tried to keep away; they met by accident; she reproached him; he promised to call; then his inveterate timidity palsied him, till Anton Rubinstein had to drag him to her rooms by force.

I did not hesitate much, but feel it too great a strain on the nerves to be tried often.

I have tried everything.

Still as I stood there, but for my bestial companion, quite alone, I tried to comfort myself by repeating again and again the assurance, 'the thing is purely disease, a well-known physical affection, as distinctly as small-pox or neuralgia.

I have tried no State prisoners, nor am like to try any such.

" She tried to smile, with a lift of her eyebrows.

"If my debt is to myself, I need pay only if I choose," she tried to jest.

But when she tried to explain her state of mind to Oliver that morning at breakfast, he would not hear of any prescription for nerves which did not include his company.

"Nothing will happen," she tried to say, and found herself weakly sobbing in his arms.

Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried?

If you do not know it, you are inexcusable for asserting it, and especially for persisting in the assertion after you have tried and failed to make the proof.

I tried in vain to hire men nurses, and I sympathized with Paolo Orsini, who slipped a cord around the neck of Isabella di Medici, and strangled her; I almost envied Curzon of Simopetra who had never seen a woman.

39718 examples of  tried  in sentences