204 examples of trimmings in sentences

No water should be put in, but the trimmings of the mushrooms and tomatoes should be stewed in a little water, and this gravy may be added with a funnel after the pie is ready.

Cut the trimmings of paste into leaves, &c., and decorate the pie, putting a rose in the centre.

Ornament with the trimmings, brush again and bake in good steady oven for at least three-quarters of an hour.

Pare and core, putting the trimmings in water to cover.

Put on the trimmings to boil with some lemon rind and either a few sticks of cinnamon or some cloves.

He bolted as far as the next restaurant, had a three-and-sixpenny entrée there, went on to another for sweets, and yet another for coffee and trimmings.

Oh! the mocking diablery in strings, wisps of untidy hair, queer trimmings, and limp hats.

The woman who is the exact opposite of the type with the ample lower jaw, but whose chief disadvantage lies in her broad, manly brow and tiny tapering chin, should avoid all horizontal trimmings, bows or broad hat-brims.

It is clear, in No. 24, that such trimmings increase the wedge-like appearance of the face and give it the grotesque suggestion of an ordinary flower-pot in which grows a sickly plant.

The most unpleasing developments result from the wearing of the horn-like trimmings either in velvet or jet.

Wings, or perpendicular bows, add length to the lines of the short face, giving it a certain suggestion of refinement and distinction that is wholly destroyed by the wearing of any trimmings that show at the sides.

By remembering that horizontal trimmings apparently decrease the height, and that vertical lines add to it, those who desire to appear at their best will use discernment in dividing their basques with yokes, or corsage mountings at the bust-line or frills at the hip-line.

The V-shaped arrangement, either in cut or trimmings, apparently increases her "longness and leanness."

The tall, thin sisterhood should eschew pointed effects and study to attain apparent breadth by using trimmings arranged horizontally.

The last food which I remember seeing in our camp before the arrival of the Second Relief was a thin mould of tallow, which mother had tried out of the trimmings of the jerked beef brought us by the First Relief.

They both put on all the trimmings saying good night to each other and LaChaise thanked me very handsomely for interpreting.

I don't believe it's going to come with guillotines or any of those picturesque trimmings.

I'm not in a position to go in for trimmings.

She had made each day a whole muslin dress, with the trimmings.

But when John Jacob Astor saw a lady pass, with her shoulders back and her head up, as if she did not care if the whole world looked on her, he studied her bonnet; and before that bonnet was out of sight he knew the shape of the frame and the color of the trimmings, the curl of thesomething on a bonnet

She got her best hat from the next room to make certain changes in the arrangement of its trimmings.

The whole hotel was in commotion, while the actress, with foaming lips, fell to the floor and began to writhe in fury, overturning the furniture and bruising her body on the iron trimmings of her trunks.

Doubtless the men made a brave show along the way, for we know that Washington had ordered for them "2 complete livery suits for servants; with a spare cloak and all other necessary trimmings for two suits more.

The trimmings and facings of scarlet, and a scarlet waist coat.

There was no answer except for the bed, and Sam didn't know whether Bill was dying or whether 'e 'ad got delirium trimmings.

204 examples of  trimmings  in sentences