14 examples of tritheism in sentences

If, as he says, modern theology oscillates between the poles of Sabellianism and Tritheism, he himself inclines to the latter pole.

I may help you to think yourself into a theoretical Tritheism, or a theoretical Sabellianism; I cannot make you think yourself into practical and living Catholicism.

In fact it is scarcely possible to acquit him altogether of a 'quasi-Tritheism'.

If not, then there is Tritheism evidently.

But this is either Tritheism or Sabellianism; it is hard to say which.

[Greek: Bouláemata], as well as three numerical Persons: 'ergo', [Greek: treis theoì àe theataí] (according to Gregory Nyssen's shallow and disprovable etymology), which would be Tritheism: or [Greek: hén ti gínetai Boúlaema], and then the Son and Holy Ghost are but terms of relation, which is Sabellianism.

Gregory Nyssen, Cyril of Alexandria, Maximus and Damascen were charged with "a kind of Tritheism" by Petavius and Dr. Cudworth, who, according to Sherlock, have "mistaken their meaning."

Whether Sabellianism or Tritheism, I observed is hard to determine.

This Petavius has proved at large by numerous testimonies, even from those very Fathers, whom he before accused for making God only collectively one, as three men are one man; such as Gregory Nyssen, St. Cyril, Maximus, Damascen; which is a demonstration, that however 'he might mistake' their explication of it, from the unity of human nature, they were far enough from Tritheism, or one collective God.

If so clear a head and so zealous a Trinitarian as Dr. Waterland could not digest your exposition, or acquit it of Tritheism, little hope is there of finding the Unitarians more persuadable.

This contradiction of Waterland to his own principles is continually recurring;yea, and in one place he involves the very Tritheism, of which he was so victorious an antagonist, namely, that the Father is Jehovah, the Son Jehovah, and the Spirit Jehovah;thus making Jehovah either a mere synonyme of Godwhereas

His system is absolute naked Tritheism.

But in the Pagan and Oriental religions this trinity was nothing else but a tritheism.

On the whole, I saw, that however people might call themselves Trinitarians, yet if, like Stuart and all the Evangelicals in Church and Dissent, they turn into a dead letter the generation of the Son of God, and the procession of the Spirit, nothing is possible but Sabellianism or Tritheism: or, indeed, Ditheism, if the Spirit's separate personality is not held.

14 examples of  tritheism  in sentences