113 examples of trivialities in sentences

There is the same almost merciless realism which we find in "Helbeck" in dealing with certain trivialities and narrownesses of pietydefects common to all whom circumstances confine to a little world, but more incongruous and conspicuous as contrasted with the dignity of Catholic ideals.

I am sick of blind leaders of the blind, of respectable preachers to the respectable, who drawl out second-hand trivialities, which they neither practise nor wish to see practised.

she said, as impassively as if they were speaking of the merest trivialities. "Which I could pay offgratify, if I liked," he admitted.

We ate an ordinary meal in an ordinary dining room, Feisul presiding and talking trivialities with Mabel and Hadad.

There were one or two trivialities that would have to be arranged, but nothing escaped my mind.

Their poet advised other nations to occupy themselves with wisdom, learning, statuary, the arts, or what other trivialities they pleased; it was the Roman's task to hold the world in sway.

Common people do not consider, he remarked, that really zealous artists are bound to abstain from the idle trivialities and current compliments of society, not because they are haughty or intolerant by nature, but because their art imperiously claims the whole of their energies.

Often when I have remarked upon the apparently trivial nature of the clews by which he allowed himself to be guidedsometimes, to all seeming, in the very face of all likelihoodhe has replied that two trivialities, pointing in the same direction, became at once, by their mere agreement, no trivialities at all, but enormously important considerations.

Often when I have remarked upon the apparently trivial nature of the clews by which he allowed himself to be guidedsometimes, to all seeming, in the very face of all likelihoodhe has replied that two trivialities, pointing in the same direction, became at once, by their mere agreement, no trivialities at all, but enormously important considerations.

The two trivialities, pointing in the same direction, become very strong evidence.

The Bertillon system of identificationwhat is it but a summary of trivialities?

Trivialities, pointing in the same direction, became important considerations.

Official news of importance trickles in in driblets: for the rest, newspaper men, miles from the front, are driven to eke out their dispatches with negligible trivialities.

Yet the dominion of din and death and discomfort is still unable to impair our soldiers' capacity of extracting amusement from trivialities.

Nature wastes no trivialities on such grief; the mother, whose child comes in to her broken-limbed and wounded, does not give it sugar-plums and kisses, but waits in silence till the surgeon has done his kindly and appalling office,then, it may be, she sings her boy to sleep!

I suppose it is hopeless to expect that the makers of "Grand" Opera (whose sense of humour is seldom their strong point) will consent to allow the trivialities of ordinary speech in everyday life ("How do you do?"

Only too well he knew the signsthe good-natured satire that ill concealed a tolerance broad as the earth, the flow of trivialities that cleared the way later of non-essentials.

Even Miss Munch had veiled her resentment behind the saving trivialities of daily intercourse.

She thought of a score of trivialities it might be about; but the letter was still unopened when David Gemmell called to talk over some cases in which he required her counsel.

He was an industrious collector of information, and gathered an enormous quantity, some of it very useful; he recorded with the like complacency authentic incidents of the highest importance and palpable fabrications or irrelevant trivialities; and it never entered his head to sift evidence or to exercise a little critical power and judgment.]

Thus it is neither to the mellow autumn of his art, when he had cast aside as unworthy all the trivialities of convention, nor yet to the storm and stress of adolescence, the immaturity of pettiness and exaggeration, that we must look if we would discover Shakespeare's attitude towards pastoral tradition.

Clubs, athletics, gamblinghe grumbled something savage as his thoughts turned to such trivialities.

"What has made you think of all these dead trivialities?"

If life can be fragmented into "physical," "mental," "emotional," "energetic," "spiritual," and "creative" it must be evident that the western way has smothered life's more significant aspects under a blanket of trivialities, non-essentials and inconsequentials.

Or the hour brought a stroll with the French danseuse and her poodle, and a conversation about the mere trivialities of life, which a year or two, or even a few months ago, Bernardine would have condemned as beneath contempt, but, which were now taking their rightful place in her new standard of importances.

113 examples of  trivialities  in sentences