21 examples of troubler in sentences

It pays to think in trading as much as in statecraft," There were plenty that looked askance at us, and cursed us as troublers of the peace, and there were some who prophesied speedy ruin.

Point out this troubler to the king, and then cry the remedy."

Octa and Ossa, the lords of their hostthese troublers of Britainwere taken alive.

The troubler of all men, Samu's fierce queen, Thus struck the turbaned man upon the plain.

These early Quakers, when not the veritable persons, were the ghosts of the old troublers of "the Lord's people in the Bay."

JOHN I think you are no sot, No tavern-troubler, worshipper of the grape; But all men drink sometimes, And veriest saints at festivals relax, The marriage of a friend, or a wife's birth-day.

He had himself been a well-paid agent of Germany in both Asia and Africa; and he had been instrumental in supplying thousands of rifles to Border raiders, Persian bandits, and other potential troublers of the pax Britannica.

tendant à troubler le repos public, ou censurant les actes de la legislature concernant les esclaves ou les personnes de couleur libres, sera puni rigoureusement.

INQUIÉTER, rendre inquiet; tourmenter; troubler.

TROUBLER, brouiller; jeter dans le désordre; interrompre. TROUPE, f., association de gens se livrant à la même occupation; réunion de soldats.

Thus note the climax in Queen Margaret's curse upon the traitorous Gloster: "If Heaven have any grievous plague in store Exceeding those that I can wish upon thee, Oh, let them keep it till thy sins be ripe, And then hurl down their indignation On thee, the troubler of the poor world's peace!

si ie ne sçay pas si bien dire, &c., toutesfois pour vous obeyr, &c., & autres semblables ennuyeuses and sottes trainées de paroles; mais entrez promptement en matiere tant que faire se pourra auec vne hardiesse moderée: Et puis poursuiuez, sans vous troubler, iusques à la fin.

' Nehemiah's work was evidently revealed to Daniel, and he was also told something about Sanballat, and Tobiah, and the other troublers of the Jews.

But were it not that Time their troubler is, All that in this delightful gardin growes Should happy bee, and have immortall blis: For here all plenty and all pleasure flowes; And sweete Love gentle fitts emongst them throwes, Without fell rancor or fond gealosy.

When Britain, looking with a just disdain Upon this gilded majesty of Spain, And knowing well that empire must decline, Whose chief support and sinews are of coin, Our nation's solid virtue did oppose To the rich troublers of the world's repose.

30 If the successful troublers of mankind, With laurel crown'd, so great applause do find, Shall the vex'd world less honour yield to those That stop their progress, and their rage oppose?

Agitations, therefore, followed, and each succeeding General Conference found this question to be still the troubler of Israel.

Let not a troubler come amongst us.

Savez-vous, mademoiselle, que votre empressement pourrait me donner des soupçons ... LÉONIE, commençant à se troubler.

#troubler; se #, be perplexed, be agitated.

When obliged to endure unfair and personal criticism, as he often was, Marivaux met it invariably with contemptuous silence, saying to his friends: "J'aime mon repos et je ne veux point troubler celui des autres.

21 examples of  troubler  in sentences