21640 examples of troubles in sentences

That seemed to be an easy solution of my troubles until I considered that Riggs and Harris were certain that I was the most dangerous man on board.

I asked, more to take his mind off his troubles and rouse his fighting spirit than for the information, for the details mattered little to us now.

The very nearness of the woman was like a gentle, cool hand caressing his forehead and rubbing away the troubles.

Taking advantage of the troubles in Sicily, Garibaldi led a small expedition to that island, which there landed, and began those operations which had their appropriate termination, in five months, in the addition of all the territories of the wretched Francis II., except Gaëta, to the dominions of the Sardinian King.

After the death of his father, when the revolutionary troubles commenced, William, his youngest son, removed into Lower Canada.

It thus happened that society at a distance took up a wholly wrong impression of the two men,supposing Southey to be an ill-conditioned bigot, and Wordsworth a serene philosopher, far above being disturbed by troubles in daily life, or paying any attention to party-politics.

After she was gone also, Mrs. Wordsworth, entirely blind, and above eighty years of age, seemed to have no cares, except when the errors and troubles of others touched her judgment or sympathy.

She was a good mother, thoughtful and tender, sympathizing not only in my troubles, but in my every-day pursuits, my work, my books, my paintings.

The sleepless nights, the days of almost entire fasting, together with all my troubles, had been too much for me.

She told how her mother had liked me from the first,how they were informed, by some few acquaintances they had made in the village, of my early disappointment, and also of the peculiar state of mind into which I was thrown by those early troubles; but when she began to love me she couldn't tell.

Let us hope that their troubles are nearly over, and that, having passed through more hardships than have fallen to the lot of any American community, they may soon enter upon a career of prosperity as signal as have been their misfortunes, so that the prairies of Kansas may, in their turn, assist in feeding the world.

I knew that since I saw him last he had gone through very heavy troubles, and that these had sat very heavily upon him.

After writing of the troubles with her own daughters, Mrs. Piozzi says in the manuscript before us,"Had we vexations enough?

On her return to Coppet she found Middleton there, and in receiving his confidences forgot her troubles.

He troubles himself little about it; he is selfishly sunk in futuritya feeble visionary.

It was his custom, when any little grief pressed upon his childish heart, to go and pour out his troubles on the breast of his mother; but he instinctively shrunk from confiding this to her; for, child as he was, he knew it would make her very unhappy.

With a pale face, and trembling lips, she said to Mr. Walters, "God give us strength to bear up under these misfortunes; we are homelessalmost beggarsour friends have been murdered, and my father is now trembling on the brink of the grave; such troubles as these," said she, sinking into a chair, "are enough to crush any one.

"Most comfortably," replied the other, "for they have drunk the water of oblivion, and have forgotten all the troubles of life.

The various occupations ceased abruptly as Courtenay poked his head in and explained briefly who he was and what his troubles were.

Matthieu, Hist, des Derniers Troubles, book iii.

She fed starving strikers during the labor troubles of 1913 with sheep sent daily from her Sligo estate.

But Charles V. was at once reluctant to let go his grip of any parts of the African coast, and too much absorbed by his own troubles to be able to render much help, however much he might have desired to do so.

In North Africa, Philip II., on his accession, had taken over the troubles of his father, and after the Corsairs had failed in their attack on the Spanish ports of Oran and Mazarquivir, he carried the war once more into the enemy's territory.

The constant wars between Spain and France in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries led to constant troubles at Malta, and the Grand Masters throughout this period had great and increasing difficulty in preserving the Order's neutrality.

As the empire grew in extent and as its troubles multiplied, the military was more frequently called upon to take over and iron out difficulties.

21640 examples of  troubles  in sentences