854 examples of troy in sentences

For the Britons held still to the custom brought by their sires from Troy, that when the feast was spread, man ate with man alone, bringing no lady with him to the board.

'Tis true I fought among the Greeks that late With sword and fire o'erturned Neptunian Troy And laid the labours of the gods in dust; For which, if so the sad offence deserves, 50 Plunged in the deep, for ever let me lie Whelmed under seas; if death must be my doom, Let man inflict it, and I die well-pleased.

This only law the victor shall restrain, On these conditions shall he reign; If none his guilty hand employ To build again a second Troy, If none the rash design pursue, 110 Nor tempt the vengeance of the gods anew.

Here is the Tale of Troy, which the audience will bear hearing some part of, every week; the Death of Julius Caesar, and other stories out of Plutarch, which they never tire of; a shelf full of English history, from the chronicles of Brut and Arthur down to the royal Henries, which men hear eagerly; and a string of doleful tragedies, merry Italian tales, and Spanish voyages, which all the London 'prentices know.

Each romancer was heir and dispenser of all the hundred tales of the world, "Presenting Thebes' and Pelops' line And the tale of Troy divine.

Dr. Schliemann's labors among the ruins of Troy.

"In this year there was much work on the Standards Commission, chiefly regarding the suggested abolition of Troy Weight, and several Papers on the subject were prepared by Airy.

And, as far as reality is concerned, there is nothing to choose between the Christians taking Jerusalem and the Greeks taking Troy; nor between Odysseus sailing into fairyland and Vasco da Gama sailing round the world.

Thus did the Greeks, when they begirt the walles Of strong-built Troy, sometimes with friendly cheeks Entertayne peace and spend their frollick houres In courtly feasting of each other foe.

After ten long years of warfare before Troy, after endless misfortunes on his homeward voyage, after travels and experiences that have taken him everywhere and shown him everything that men know and do, he has returned to his rude native kingdom.

I am become a name; For always roaming with a hungry heart Much have I seen and known,cities of men And manners, climates, councils, governments, Myself not least, but honor'd of them all, And drunk delight of battle with my peers, Far on the ringing plains of windy Troy.

One was an alchemist of Sienna, a nation vainer than the French; another a Florentine, who tricked a man into making a wrong will; another, Sinon of Troy; another, Myrrha; another, the wife of Potiphar.

On our left lay the plain of Troy, backed by the blue range of Mount Ida.

The nearest approach to town life afforded by Branson County is found in the little village of Troy, the county seat, a hamlet with a population of four or five hundred.

At the period of which I write, no railroad had come to Troy.

If a traveler, accustomed to the bustling life of cities, could have ridden through Troy on a summer day, he might easily have fancied himself in a deserted village.

So, when it became known in Troy early one Friday morning in summer, about ten years after the war, that old Captain Walker, who had served in Mexico under Scott, and had left an arm on the field of Gettysburg, had been foully murdered during the night, there was intense excitement in the village.

It transpired from testimony at the coroner's inquest, held during the morning, that a strange mulatto had been seen going in the direction of Captain Walker's house the night before, and had been met going away from Troy early Friday morning, by a farmer on his way to town.

The sheriff organized a posse to search for him, and early in the evening, when most of the citizens of Troy were at supper, the suspected man was brought in and lodged in the county jail.

So you fellows might as well right-about-face, and march back to Troy.

B.J., "Quiz," and Bobbles were to be sent to other academiesto Charleston, to Troy, and to Greenville; but they made life miserable for their fathers and mothers with their pleadings, until they, too, were permitted to join their fellows at Kingston.

He had completely made up his mind to attend the Troy Latin Schoolnot because he loved Latin, but because Troy was the seat of much social gaiety, and because there was a large seminary for girls in that town.

He had completely made up his mind to attend the Troy Latin Schoolnot because he loved Latin, but because Troy was the seat of much social gaiety, and because there was a large seminary for girls in that town.

Hard by the nameless dust of Argive men, Remembered and remote, like theirs of Troy, Your sleep has been, nor can ye wake again To any cry of joy; Summers and snows have melted on the waves.

The pirates were willing to obey Troy Putnam because he encouraged them.

854 examples of  troy  in sentences