11 examples of tudes in sentences

Heus tude Jove quid sentis? "Hulloa!

* 8 due mien fri'ar pri'or Pa'los por'ter con'vent pre'cious grat'i tude COLUMBUS AT THE CONVENT.

* * 52 man' i fold do mes' tic pet' tish ly in grat' i tude MY MOTHER'S GRAVE.

ing i dol' a trous pon' der ca lum' ni ate Be at' i tudes GOD IS OUR FATHER.

* * 59 va' cant joc' und pen' sive spright' ly sol' i tude daf' fo dils con tin' u ous DAFFODILS.

ly so lic' i tude com pet' i tor phi los' o pher ve' he ment ly tre men' dous

* 80 al' ti tude as tound' ing ve loc' i ty vag' a bond mus tach'

How his heart bound-ed with gra-ti-tude to-wards the good fai-ry hands, as he felt how safe-ly he might in-dulge in his slum-bers be-neath such pro-tec-tion!

As Wil-lie lay down that night, full of gra-ti-tude for his great good for-tune, and think-ing of his home, to which he knew he should so soon re-turn to take hap-pi-ness to his fond mo-ther, he was sud-den-ly a-rous-ed by screams of ter-ror and cries of a-larm.

In his pock-et he has much bright sil-ver, the pro-duce of his la-bour: the con-tents of the wag-gon shows the farm-er's gra-ti-tude to Wil-lie for his promp-ti-tude, en-er-gy, and in-dus-try; and, more than all, for his risk-ing his life to save that of his dar-ling child.

In his pock-et he has much bright sil-ver, the pro-duce of his la-bour: the con-tents of the wag-gon shows the farm-er's gra-ti-tude to Wil-lie for his promp-ti-tude, en-er-gy, and in-dus-try; and, more than all, for his risk-ing his life to save that of his dar-ling child.

11 examples of  tudes  in sentences