407 examples of tumbler in sentences

"When I come back, that whiskey will be half gone," thought he, and lingered to see the tumbler filled and the first draught taken.

" The very thought of it seemed to give him pause for pleased, though thoughtful contemplation, for he sipped his rum in silence until the tumbler was half empty.

Mr. Fitch stood close at hand, for at the time he was painting Mrs. Gann's portraitand he was hastily making towards her with his tumbler, when Miss Linda cried out, "Stop!

In like manner, I tried whether a ring of metal, held suspended by a thread in the midst of a tumbler, and which strikes the hours, is moved by any similar force."

" The man drained the tumbler at a gulp; stood without a word, sniffing miserably; then of a sudden, as though the draught had worked, looked up bold and shrewd.

His remedyafter a sufficient application of warm blankets, friction, &c., is a simple tumbler, or more, of the purest Cognac, with water, made as hot as the convalescent can bear it.

"That's true, sir; I have not heard from him since he quitted the Black Cloud in the South, I think they said for his health; but how did he get the step?" "Why, as to the promotion, that was remarkable enough," said Fernando, quaffing off a tumbler of champagne to aid his inventive faculties; but

Having been accustomed, prior to becoming a mother, to take a glass or two of wine, and occasionally a tumbler of table beer, she was advised to follow precisely her former dietetic plan, but with the addition of half a pint of barley-milk morning and night.

She went to bed between half-past nine and ten, and took with her a tumbler of water.

The tumbler was nearly empty.

He set the tumbler in front of Piers and began to help himself.

It needs to be buried in the snow by Joseph, and drunk out of a horn tumbler, at the foot of an aiguille, after a six hours' climb, to be at its best.

Ain't a tumbler in th' place.

He spoke with an overcoat buttoned up to his throat, and a tumbler of port wine at his side; and as the audience looked on his white hollow face, and listened to his terrible eloquence, they realised with a shudder that this was the last tragic effort of a dying man.

The pantry presented a beautiful assortment of glass and china; but every tumbler and cup had to be fastened to the wall by hooks, or, in case of rough weather, there would be fatal smashing.

Parsons is swinging in the rings, rising to the ceiling before and behind; up and down he goes, whirling over and over, converting himself into a mere tumbler-pigeon, yet still bound by the long, steady vibration of the human pendulum.

Now, then, Ma'am! pass out that tumbler pretty spry, out of which you have been swallowing that eternal "drink o' wotter," to which the human female of a certain social grade is so odiously addicted.

More than once when seated by his parlour fire, and when he had finished his pipe, and his afternoon tumbler stood on the table beside him, I have heard him give the following account of the ups and downsthe trials, the joys, and sorrowswhich he had encountered in his worldly pilgrimage; and, to preserve the interest of the history, I shall give it in David's own idiom, and in his own words.

I aye say to my cronies, there is nae luck till the second tumbler, and nae peace after the fourth.

" I then dressed myself in the clothes of a tumbler, which I had brought with me for the purpose, went boldly into the garden, presented myself to the king, and asked for permission to exhibit my skill before him.

Now and then a laugh, light, joyous, and yet musical, bursts forth from some illuminated coffee-house, before which a buffo disports, a tumbler stands on his head, or a juggler mystifies; and all for a sequin!

And I want a tumbler and some water.

Shaking out into the tumbler a few crystals of potassium permanganate, I filled it up with water and approached the patient.

He always went to bed at ten, and had a tumbler of barley-water brought to him,a glass of barley-water with just a squeeze of lemon-juice.

He opened a bottle of champagne, and Mountjoy took the tumbler that was filled for him.

407 examples of  tumbler  in sentences