426 examples of tumultuous in sentences

As it grew dark, the crowd grew more and more tumultuous and violent.

Upstraining racks of clouds, tumultuous borne Upon the turmoil of opposing winds, Met in the zenith.

Better to have a quiet grief Than a tumultuous joy; Better than manhood, age's face, If the heart be of a boy.

Minister of God's spirit, who wast sent To wait upon Him first, what time He went Moving about 'mid the tumultuous noise Of each unpiloted element Upon the face of the void formless deep!

It was the unbroken cord between the twain That drew her ever to the ocean marge; Though to her feverous phantasy, unfit, 'Mid the tumultuous brood of shapes distort, To see one simple form, it was the fear Of fixed destiny, unavoidable, And not the longing for the well-known face, That drew her, drew her to the urgent sea.

To view the Nar, tumultuous in his course, And trace the smooth Clitumnus to his source, 20 To see the Mincio draw his watery store Through the long windings of a fruitful shore, And hoary Albula's infected tide O'er the warm bed of smoking sulphur glide.

Methinks I hear the drum's tumultuous sound The victor's shouts and dying groans confound, The dreadful burst of cannon rend the skies, And all the thunder of the battle rise.

The man resolved, and steady to his trust, Inflexible to ill, and obstinately just, May the rude rabble's insolence despise, Their senseless clamours and tumultuous cries; The tyrant's fierceness he beguiles, And the stern brow, and the harsh voice defies,

Yet the thoughts of my heart now are throbbing To test the high streams, the salt waves in tumultuous play.

The folk-spirit behind Beowulf is cloudy and tumultuous, finding grandeur in storm and gloom and mere massin the misty lack of shape.

Great waves of blushes ran in tumultuous flood up Carlen's neck, cheeks, forehead.

Each man and woman there, catching the quick contagion, rose; and it was a tumultuous crowd of glowing faces that pressed forward around the piano as the singing went on,fathers, mothers, rustics, all; and the children, pleased and astonished, sang better than ever, and when the chorus was ended it was some minutes before all was quiet.

Latterly he has come forward much more: it was but the other day that he entered Jerusalem at the head of a tumultuous assembly, who by his orders made the people rend the air with acclamations of "Hosanna to the Son of David!

All exclaimed in a tumultuous manner: 'Let him be crucified!

A number of the enemy, mounted on chariots and cars, made towards them with such a prodigious clatter from the trampling of the cattle and rolling of wheels, as affrighted the horses of the Romans, unaccustomed to such tumultuous operations.

His smothered "Down!" was never heard, for the west stand was a swaying, tumultuous unit of thunderous acclaim.

" So absorbed were the two men in their colloquy and their own tumultuous thoughts that neither of them had heard the door below move upon its hinges.

And there she sang tumultuous songs, By recollection of her wrongs, To fearful passion rouzed.

If from the public way you turn your steps Up the tumultuous brook of Green-head Ghyll, You will suppose that with an upright path Your feet must struggle; in such bold ascent The pastoral mountains front you, face to face.

Near the tumultuous brook of Green-head Ghyll, In that deep valley, Michael had designed To build a Sheep-fold; [G] and, before he heard 330 The tidings of his melancholy loss, For this same purpose he had gathered up A heap of stones, which by the streamlet's edge Lay thrown together, ready for the work.

'I heard the lusty Nightingale so sing, That her clear voice made 'a loud rioting', Echoing through all the green wood wide.' This 'loud rioting' is Wordsworth's, not Chaucer's; and it belongs, as it were, to that other passage of his: 'O Nightingale, thou surely art A creature of a fiery heart, These notes of thinethey pierce and pierce; Tumultuous harmony and fierce!

When she ceased, I woke from a dream, chaotic, but not tumultuous, beautiful, but inharmonious.

Nathaniel held his breath, tried to still the tumultuous pounding of his heart as he waited for a sound of lifea step beyond those doors, a woman's voice, a child's cry.

In all the troubled round of sea and air, No glimpse of brightness lends the vivid zest Of life and light to the harsh monotone Of gray tumultuous flood and spectral sky; Far off the black basaltic crags are heaved Against the desolate emptiness of space; But no sweet beam of sunset ever falls Athwart old Skidloe's cloudy crestno soft And wistful glory of awakened dawn Lays on his haggard brows a touch of grace.

Grillparzer never again wrote with such tumultuous passion as swayed him at the time of his work on the first half of The Golden Fleece.

426 examples of  tumultuous  in sentences