18 examples of tuppence in sentences

He always had a kind word or two for Tom, who during the winter evenings would go over to the good man's house to learn his letters, and to read and write and cipher a little, so that by now he was able to spell the words out of the Bible and the almanac, and knew enough to change tuppence into four ha'pennies.

The best thing about our women is that they don't care tuppence about naval and military details.

Buckwheat is tuppence.

"I was there," resumed Mrs. Cluppins, "unbeknown to Mrs. Bardell; I had been out with a little basket, gentlemen, to buy three pounds of red kidney pertaties, which was tuppence ha'penny, when I see Mrs. Bardell's street-door on the jar.

" It took a lot of explaining to some of 'em, but Smith, the landlord, helped Henery, and in less than four days twenty-three men had paid their tuppences to Henery, who 'ad been made the seckitary, and told him to hand them over to Smith in case he lost his memory.

Thur's sixpence vor the sausingers, tuppence vor bread an' butter, an' dreppence the pop,that meaks 'levenpence"; an' I drows down a shillin', and ses, "Thur's the odd penny vor the young 'ooman as waited upon me.

"'Ere, chum," said Robinson, "you 'aven't put your tuppence in the slot," and 'Enery Irving in a falsetto imitation of a telephone girl's metallic voice drawled: "Put two pennies in, please, and turn the handle after eachonetwothank you!

Chum, you ought to get your tuppence back.

Altogether it was nine pounds fourteen shillings and tuppence.

Under the pressure of circumstance he chose a Cannon Street 'bus, fare "tuppence.


He gave me tuppence for doing it.

We are bound for Liverpool, and I'll take the letter there myself, and then I'll send it over to Paris for tuppence ha'penny, which I will have then, and haven't now.

And I bet another tuppence that it will go sooner than if I posted it here, for it may be a month before a mail-steamer leaves the other side of this beastly continent.

He must have lost ithe hoped after he had reached England, and no doubt whoever found it would put a tuppence ha'penny stamp on it and stick it into a box.

Indeed, sir, if I drew blade, if I as much as raised a finger, both sides would come swarming all over usrebels a-looting and a-shooting, Indians whooping off my cattle, firing my barns, scalping my tenantsrebels at heart every one, and I'd not care tuppence who scalped 'em but that they pay me rent!" He clinched his fat fists and beat the air angrily.

The tram'll take you down for a penny, only you must mind and get out this side of the bridge, because once you're on the other side it's tuppence.

'E was standin' outside 'is show, an' not darin' to go in; the reason bein' Mortimer 'ad picked up a girl from the shootin' gallery, that used to belong to 'is company, and 'e an' she an' Mrs. Mortimer are doing the last act of Othello life size an' tuppence coloured, an' Sam says 'e can't look on an' command 'is feelin's.

18 examples of  tuppence  in sentences