113 examples of turning-point in sentences

' 'Yes, perhaps it will be the turning-point of your life,' said Vincy. 'Ah!

The conquest of Canada first demonstrated this truth, and whenin the two following lectureswe shall have made some approach towards comprehending its full import, we shall all, I think, be ready to admit that the triumph of Wolfe marks the greatest turning-point as yet discernible in modern history.

Campanella, who believed in astrology, looked forward with intense anxiety to this turning-point in modern history.

This date is clearly about the turning-point in British sentiment and policy towards Germany.

When future generations look for an exact event to mark the triumphal turning-point in the progress of the woman-suffrage movement, they will probably select the election which took place in the great American State of California in October, 1911.

If the Tower guns were announcing the birth of an heir to the Throne, he would not look up to ask, "What is that?" It was the turning-point of my life, for had there been no first brief pretty soon, I should have thought my kind relations' predictions were about to be verified.

In consequence of these reflections a great change comes over him, which is the turning-point of his history.

It was the turning-point.

I have reason to believe that M. Zola regards the death of President Faure as the crucial turning-point in the whole Dreyfus business.

But it has pleased the Almighty to make out of my humble self yet another opportunity for a thing which may prove a happy turning-point in the destinies of the world.

He and Kent stood together close to the turning-point.

In the relation of the Gospels to the growth of the Christian society and the development of Christian doctrine, and especially to the great turning-point in the history, the taking of Jerusalem, there is very considerable internal evidence for determining the date within which they must have been composed.

In detailing the curious circumstances of the following story, I am again only reporting a real law case to be found in the Court of Session Records, the turning-point of which was as invisible to the judges as to the parties themselvesthat is, until the end came; a circumstance again which made the case a kind of developed romance.

This as a rule marks the turning-point in the case.

My mother always said that the encounter with death is the great turning-point in the lives of those who live on.

When the invalids became able to rise for dinner, it was a turning-point in their case; and they were soon getting into the apartment where there were games and books and meetings of old comrades.

It wouldn't have been unnatural if I had sworn at him, but this was the turning-point of my life, and I behaved in a way that surprised myself.

But that was a turning-point.

It is supposed to have been the turning-point in Charlotte's career.

She would have said, I think, that her sojourn in Haworth was the turning-point.

As the October vote had been the turning-point in the local popular struggle in the Territory, this adoption of the Crittenden-Montgomery substitute, by a total vote of 120 to 112 in the House of Representatives, was the culmination of the National intrigue to secure Kansas for the South.

The battle of Baggotrath does not figure amongst the more famous battles of this period, but it was certainly the turning-point of the Irish campaign.

For things were daily sweeping nearer and nearer to that great turning-point, at which the French people would have to choose between a seeming republic and a real monarchy.

And the scenes of profligacy which appear to have marked the midsummer celebration among the Esthonians, as they once marked the celebration of May Day among ourselves, may have sprung, not from the mere license of holiday-makers, but from a crude notion that such orgies were justified, if not required, by some mysterious bond which linked the life of man to the courses of the heavens at this turning-point of the year.

The year 1878 forms a turning-point both in internal and in external politics.

113 examples of  turning-point  in sentences