25562 examples of twenties in sentences

New-lookin', ain't it, Mark? Let me have the feel of one of them twenties.

Sometimes it is sallow, wrinkled and senile in a man in his early twenties.

But unmistakably of the vintage of the Nineteen-Twenties was the avarice of the driver.

By reason of famine and the sword, they died by twenties, by hundreds, and by thousands in those secret ways.

At the sea gate fiue and twenties upon the walles euery night doe watch fifteene men in watch houses, for euery watch house fiue men, and in the market place 30 souldiers continually.

In his wake comes another, then twos and threes, anon tens and twenties, till hundreds have collected, and the ground is covered with the hissing, tearing, fiercely clawing crowd.

Suddenly his reverie was interrupted by the voice of young Randolph Langdon, a spirited lad in his early twenties, who had just been made plantation manager, by his father.

Mrs. Coe, an old scholar at the Misses Morris's school in the twenties, gave me, in 1902, some reminiscences of those days, from which I quote a passage or so: When he joined the Norrises' dinner-table he kept every one laughing.

The remainder is divided into a series of 20 feet heights, two twenties from cornice to top of parapet of octagon, 20 in each of the two decorated stages of the spire, 20 to centre of the upper spire-lights, three twenties to the finial.

The remainder is divided into a series of 20 feet heights, two twenties from cornice to top of parapet of octagon, 20 in each of the two decorated stages of the spire, 20 to centre of the upper spire-lights, three twenties to the finial.

But if love be blind in the teens and twenties, it is more than apt to have a keen gift of insight in the thirties and beyond.

The private plantations were hampered in their development by dearth of capital and labor and by the extremely low prices of tobacco which began at the end of the sixteen-twenties as a consequence of overproduction.

In the course of the twenties Kinsey Burden and Hugh Wilson, both of St. John's Colleton, began breeding superfine fiber through seed selection, with such success that the latter sold two of his bales in 1828 at the unequaled price of two dollars a pound.

Many of those who settled about Baton Rouge and on the Red River with cotton as their initial concern shifted to sugar at the end of the 'twenties, however, in response to the tariff of 1828 which heightened sugar prices at a time when the cotton market was depressed.

The temperatures have sunk very steadily this year; for a long time they hung about zero, then for a considerable interval remained about -10°; now they are down in the minus twenties, with signs of falling (to-day -24°).

Late yesterday it was in the minus twenties, and to-day at length it has risen to zero.

We have had a fine week, but the temperature remains low in the twenties, and to-day has dropped to -35°.

Midway in the twenties of her years, she was just above slightness, just above medium height.

After the first effervescence produced by the dropping of a notability into the caldron of New York, the Llanero general was permitted to enjoy his placid domesticity without molestation; and in a pleasant street, far up-town among the Twenties, he lived in the midst of us for eight quiet years.

The partially successful War of Liberation in the 'twenties of the nineteenth century was only the political manifestation of the new life.

The middle twenties.

Only yesterday; an informal history of the nineteen-twenties.

Only yesterday; an informal history of the nineteen-twenties.

The middle twenties.

From forty, ages among the regimental officers dropped into the twenties.

25562 examples of  twenties  in sentences