84 examples of two-years in sentences

He wasn't as big as an ox, but a two-year-old that could match him, could brag of a pretty rapid growth.

He comes to everything as fresh as a two-year old, and he works everything for all there is in it.

After a two-years' siege the Romans under Marcellus take Syracuse.

" The Commission's chief doubt was whether, under the conditions inseparable at any rate from the volunteer system, any scheme of training would give to forces officered largely by men who are not professional soldiers the cohesion of armies that exact a progressive two-years' course from their soldiers and rely, except for expanding the subaltern ranks on mobilisation, upon professional leaders.

Did you see?" "Am I blind?" asked Hal Purvis, "an' think of me walkin' up an' bracin' that killer like he was a two-year-old kid!

'You seem to know every creature in Grasmere, down to the two-year-old babies,' said Hammond, Mary having just stopped to converse with an infantine group, straggling and struggling over the boulders.

He was brought home and sent to school in America; and two-years later Dr. Bennington announced that the slender youngster, who had been so completely estranged from the affairs of the store, must matriculate in the ozone of high altitudes instead of in college, if his life were to be saved.

A two-year-old followed, round and sleek and glistening like brown velvet in the sunset.

The two-year-old followedand Thor came out softly from his hiding-place.

She had foregone the college course she was prepared for and had taken over very skillfully the management of her father's household; even, in a surprisingly successful way, too, the motherly guidance of her two-years-younger brother, Rush.

But I cannot detail the two-years' incidents of that voyage: for it is past, and like a dream: and not to write of thatof all thathave I taken this pencil in hand after seventeen long, long years.

In September, 1685, the Phoenix, a British man-of-war that had been sent for a two-years' cruise in Indian waters, was attacked by a Sanganian vessel that mistook her for a merchantman.

Such were the two-year-old questions which had not been answered yet upon the banks of the Richelieu River.

"I know, now," he continued, "your whole two-years' business.

One afternoon several score cattle were driven into a big square corral near the house, in order to brand the calves and a number of unbranded yearlings and two-year-olds.

But though I was disapointed in my first canoe, I made it, at intermediate times, my business to make a second, of much inferior size; and it was two-years before I had finished it.

Being deprived of a competent fortune, by cross accidents, she has suffered all the extremities of a close imprisonment, if want of all the necessaries of life, and lying on the boards for two-years may be termed such, during which time she never felt the bone.

Doctor Bourns, like myself, was eager to go back, and we set out to raise $10,000 to pay the expenses of a two-years collecting tour, in the course of which we hoped to visit regions not hitherto penetrated by any zoölogist.

"I have already said that a yearling and a two-year old bull should be provided for every sixty cows, though some have more or less cows in the herd: thus Atticus has two bulls for every seventy cows.

The following is a typical table of annual cost at a University College which provides for two-year and for three-year students.

The first to imitate the Arcadia was the Portuguese Bernardim Ribeiro, who during a two-years' residence in Italy composed the 'beautiful fragment,' as Ticknor styles it, entitled from the first words of the text Menina e moça.

For after both had shed their winter coats, the speckled heifer was as pretty a two-year-old as ever roamed the Nueces valley or drank out of its river, and the line-back steer had many rivals.

For copper used in electrical and other industries she claims to have devised substitutes before the war, and her experts now assert that a two-years' supply of copper and brass has been gathered from the kitchens and roofs of Germany.

"My friend," said the ex-undertaker in his careful manner, "I seen a man once California a husky two-year-oldwhich nobody said could be done, and I've seen some other things, but I've never seen anything to touch the way you handled Black Bart.

" With that, Ninety-Two-Years shook his head at Eighty-Years and said, "Well, you will never live to be an old man!"Sarah Bache Hodge.

84 examples of  two-years  in sentences