134 examples of tyee in sentences


"They call me Kalitan Tenas; my father was Tyee." "Where is he?" asked Ted.

" "Which were the best, Russians or Americans?" asked Mr. Strong, curious to see what the old Indian would say, but the Tyee was not to be caught napping.

He even spoke to Tyee Klake on occasions when that august personage had not only not asked him a question, but was not speaking at all.

The Tyee had assured Mr. Strong that it was perfectly safe for the boys to go about together.

"Watch the Tyee!"

"Tyee Klake best harpoon-thrower of all the Thlinkits," said Kalitan, proudly.

His keen eyes passed from fish to man and back again, and no movement of the Tyee escaped him.

This time the whale struck out wildly, and Kalitan held his breath, while Ted gasped at the Tyee's danger, for his kiak rocked like a shell and then was quite hidden from their sight by the spray which was dashed heavenward like clouds of white smoke.

" "Tyee much big chief," said Kalitan, and just then the old man's kiak drew near them, and he stepped ashore as calmly as though he had not just been through so exciting a scene with a mighty monster of the deep.

Ted was so excited that he could hardly sit still, and Tyee Klake gave him a warning glance and a muttered "Kooletchika.

" The day before a big canoe had come to the camp, the paddlers bearing messages for the Tyee, and he had had a long conversation with Mr. Strong.

But Tyee will not have that for Tanana's feast.

Tyee Klake was giving a feast to the people of the neighbouring islands, and a dozen canoes glided over the water from different directions.

In the centre of the largest canoe stood the Tyee of a neighbouring island, a tall Indian, dressed in a superb blanket with fringe a foot long, fringed leggins and moccasins of walrus hide, and the chief's hat to show his rank.

The Tyee, in perfect time to the music, swayed back and forth, never ceasing for a moment, shaking his head so that the down was wafted in a snowy cloud all over him.

Tyee Klake said salmon used to come up this river in shoal sixteen miles long, and now Boston men take them all.

"I asked him once why it was, and he said Indian boys never got what they asked for; that sometimes they had things given to them that they hadn't asked for, but, if he asked the Tyee for anything, all he got was 'Good Indian get things for himself,' and he had to go to work to get the thing he wanted.

CHAPTER XII THE SPLENDOUR OF SAGHALIE TYEE THE tundra was greenish-brown in colour, and looked like a great meadow stretching from the beach, like a new moon, gently upward to the cones of volcanic mountains far away.

Glowing streams of light streamed heavenward like feathery wings, as Ted and Kalitan sailed southward, and Ted exclaimed in wonder: "What is it?" "The splendour of Saghalie Tyee," said Kalitan, solemnly.

"From the sky fades the splendour of Saghalie Tyee," he said.

"Avarice, O, Boston tyee!"

But I, alas! have no son; I grow old, and lest this wisdom perish from the earth, and Tamanous be again obliged to interpose against avarice, I tell the tale to thee, O Boston tyee.

WILLIAMS, KEITH SHAW. Kutkos, Chinook tyee.

Kutkos, Chinook tyee.

134 examples of  tyee  in sentences