173 examples of tyme in sentences

In Yngil-wode and Barnysdale Thai oysyd all this tyme thare trawale.

In autumne, whan the sunne in vyrgyne, By radyante hete, enryped hath our corne, When Luna, full of mucabylyte, As Emperes the dyademe hath worne Of our Pole artyke, smylynge half in scorne, At our foly, and our unstedfastnesse, The tyme

But, O vaine labours of terrestriall wit, That buildes so stronglie on so frayle a soyle, As with each storme does fall away and flit, And gives the fruit of all your travailes toyle 515 To be the pray of Tyme, and Fortunes spoyle, I saw this towre fall sodainlie to dust, That nigh with griefe thereof my heart was brust.

Wayte with a trencher, goe learne policye; A servingman at dynner tyme will teach thee To give attendance on the full-fedd gueste, Not on the hungry sharke; and yet you thynke To feede on larke by serving my poore father!

The laboringe clouds Insteade of vapours have exhald from earthe A blessing for me, and about this tyme (By the full revolution of my starres) Should rayne it down uppon me.

I wishe to knowe; For Tyme (whose ende like hys originall Is most inscrutable) hathe nowe payde backe The sapp of fortie winters to theise veanes, Which he had borrowed to mayntayne hys course From these late dead now manlye facultyes.

Can such men, ever false unto theire God, Keepe faythe with men at any tyme? Clowne.

Nobly spoke: Meane tyme hale these to'th coort.

'Tis her owne pen, I knwe it, synce shee sett Her hand to establishe our foundation, And, sweete soule, shee hath writt a second tyme To build mee upp anewe:My Lord is ridd A three dayes jorney, loose not this advantadge But take tyme by the fore-topp.

In tyme may prove a noble marchant? Clowne.

About it breyne and in good tyme.

I confess I was the malefactor and deserve Th'extremity of Lawe; but woonder much Howe hee in such a short tyme after death Should purchase horse and weapons.

Then I have nothing at this tyme to do with thee.

for "at this tyme.

The reasons for the desolation of Kidland are graphically set forth:"In somer seasons when good peace ys betwene England and Scotland, th'inhabitantes of dyv'se townes thereaboutes repayres up with theyr cattall in som'ynge (summering) as ys aforesaid, and so have used to do of longe tyme.

And ov' (over, besides) that, the saide valyes or hopes of Kidlande lyeth so distant and devyded by mounteynes one from an other, that such as Inhabyte in one of these hoopes, valeys, or graynes, can not heare the Fraye outcrye, or exclamac'on of such as dwell in an other hoope or valley upon the other side of the said mountayne, nor come or assemble to theyr assystance in tyme of necessytie.

Wherefore we can not fynde anye of the neyghbours thereabouts wyllinge cotynnally to Inhabyte or plenyshe w'thin the saide grounde of Kydland, and especially in wynter tyme.

For anncestrie of tyme oh! who canne tell The first beginning of so old a trade, For Horses were before the Deluge fell, And cures, and shoes, before that tyme were made, We need not presse tyme farther then it beares, A Company have Farriers beene 300 Yeres!!

For anncestrie of tyme oh! who canne tell The first beginning of so old a trade, For Horses were before the Deluge fell, And cures, and shoes, before that tyme were made, We need not presse tyme farther then it beares, A Company have Farriers beene 300 Yeres!!

For anncestrie of tyme oh! who canne tell The first beginning of so old a trade, For Horses were before the Deluge fell, And cures, and shoes, before that tyme were made, We need not presse tyme farther then it beares, A Company have Farriers beene 300 Yeres!!

Ther hath bene houses in tyme of mind inhabited in the est suburbe of Old-Saresbyri; but now there is not one house neither within Old-Saresbyri nor without it inhabited.

"And lo, thou schalt be doumbe, and thou schalt not mowe speke, til into the day in which these thingis schulen be don, for thou hast not beleved to my wordis, whiche schulen be fulfild in her tyme.

The other six yeres is like February, In the end thereof beguyneth (1) the Sprynge, That tyme chyldren is moost asst and redy To receyve chastysement, nurture and lernynge.

The next six yere maketh four-and-twenty, And figured is to jolly Aprill That tyme of pleasures man hath most plenty Fresh, and louying (2) his lustes tofulfyll.

message sende Tho tyme is come that he must go hymselve.

173 examples of  tyme  in sentences