28 examples of uf in sentences

Printed in The Court and Times uf Charles the First, &c. Edited, with an introduction and notes, by the author of Memoirs of Sophia Dorothea, Consort of George I., &c. (Vol. i. p. 104.

Textbuch UF 11312.

It iss a glad day for me that you haf come, but I thought you both dead, und well you might be, reckless, thoughtless lads who haf not the thought uf the future in your minds.

Haf I not in the past given the punishment to both uf you und am I not able to do it again, tall and strong as the two uf you haf grown?

Haf I not in the past given the punishment to both uf you und am I not able to do it again, tall and strong as the two uf you haf grown?

If there wass a thousand inns at Albany you und Robert und Tayoga could not stop at one uf them.

Iss not the house uf Jacobus Huysman good enough for you?" Robert, Tayoga and the hunter laughed aloud.

It iss not so strange uf you, Robert Lennox, who are white, but I would expect better uf Tayoga, who is to be a great Onondaga chief some day.

It iss not so strange uf you, Robert Lennox, who are white, but I would expect better uf Tayoga, who is to be a great Onondaga chief some day.

"Do you remember, Tayoga, how wild you wass when you came here to learn the good ways und bad ways uf the white people?"

" "Und the two uf you together learned new tricks und new ways uf making my life miserable," grumbled Mynheer Huysman.

" "Und the two uf you together learned new tricks und new ways uf making my life miserable," grumbled Mynheer Huysman.

" "Well, not the worst, perhaps, David, because I don't know all the boys uf all the countries in the world, but when you put an Onondaga lad und an American lad together in alliance it iss hard to find any one who can excel them, because they haf the mischief uf two nations.

" "Well, not the worst, perhaps, David, because I don't know all the boys uf all the countries in the world, but when you put an Onondaga lad und an American lad together in alliance it iss hard to find any one who can excel them, because they haf the mischief uf two nations.

Doch gauckelet's witers und witers, Groblet uf alle Vieren, und stellt si wieder uf d' Beinli, Schlieft in d' Hürstiez such mer's eisldört güggelet's use, Wart, i chumm!

Doch gauckelet's witers und witers, Groblet uf alle Vieren, und stellt si wieder uf d' Beinli, Schlieft in d' Hürstiez such mer's eisldört güggelet's use, Wart, i chumm!

Wo di liebligen Othern weiht, so färbt si der Rase Grüener rechts und links, es stöhn in saftige Triebe Gras und Chrüter uf, es stöhn in frischere Gstalte Farbigi Blüemli do, und d' Immli chömmen und suge.

We call him Red becus uf his hair.'

Uf I catch you round my girl alretty, Dave Elerson" "Silence!

And dey shore did git rid uf some pretty gals.

" When questioned concerning her life on this plantation, she continues: "Now honey, its been so long ago, I don' 'member ev'ything, but I will tell you whut I kin as near right as possible; I kin 'member five uf Marse Carr's chillun; Florida, Susan, 'Lijah, Willie and Tom; cose Carr never 'lowed us to have a piece uf paper in our hands.

" When questioned concerning her life on this plantation, she continues: "Now honey, its been so long ago, I don' 'member ev'ything, but I will tell you whut I kin as near right as possible; I kin 'member five uf Marse Carr's chillun; Florida, Susan, 'Lijah, Willie and Tom; cose Carr never 'lowed us to have a piece uf paper in our hands.

" "When de big gun fiahed old man Carr had six sacks uf confederate money whut he wuz carrying wid him to Athens Georgia an' all de time if any uf us gals

" "When de big gun fiahed old man Carr had six sacks uf confederate money whut he wuz carrying wid him to Athens Georgia an' all de time if any uf us gals

Dey beat him lak dat and he didn' do a thin' to git dat sort uf treatment.

28 examples of  uf  in sentences