10 examples of ultra-conservatives in sentences

Wellington hated the Catholics, and was a most loyal member of the Church of England; moreover, he was a Tory and an ultra-conservative.

He was proud and overbearing; was fond of pomp and ceremony, and ultra-conservative in all his political views.

Ultra-Conservative principles.

In politics the Tories resembled the extreme Right in the French Chamber of Deputies,the ultra-conservatives, who sustained the throne of Charles X. The Whigs bore more resemblance to the Centre of the Chamber of Deputies, led by such men as Guizot, Broglie, and Thiers, favorable to a constitutional monarchy, but by no means radicals and democrats like Louis Blanc, Ledru Rollin, and Lamartine.

Like Canning and Gladstone, he was ultra-conservative in his early political life,probably in a great measure from his father's example as well as from the force of his university surroundings,and, of course, joined the Tory party, then all-powerful.

During the period, then, when ultra-conservative principles animated the united despots of the various German States, and the Diet controlled by Metternich repressed all liberal movements, little advance was made in Prussia in the way of reforms.

The ministerial combination which accepted this pact with the immitigable enemy of the unity of Italy, whose sole motive for hostility to Crispi was the latter's invincible antagonism to the temporal power and the immixtion of the Church in civil affairs, comprised a leading Republican and Radical, Nicotera, and Rudiní, the chief of the ultra-Conservative group, beside members of various groups of intervening shades of politics.

But Dubby was ultra-conservative; and while "Scotty" must have had some strange human reason for all of these silly dashes with an absolutely empty sled, in his opinion hauling a boiler up to Hobson Creek would be a far more efficacious means of exercise, and would be a practical accomplishment besides.

Some of the best things that appeared in this ultra-conservative organ were from Canning's pen.

The ultra-radical and the ultra-conservative alike declare that these measures "logically" lead on to the complete destruction of private property.

10 examples of  ultra-conservatives  in sentences