22 examples of umbel in sentences

] ORIGIN OF THE CARROT.In its wild state, this vegetable is found plentifully in Britain, both in cultivated lands and by waysides, and is known by the name of birds-nest, from its umbels of fruit becoming incurved from a hollow cup, like a birds-nest.

The willows do better; painted-cup, cypripedium, and the hollow stalks of span-broad white umbels, find a footing among their stems.

Should you spy, as he strolls across some flowery umbel, a scarlet beetle peppered with black dots,the stroller take, but spare his strolling-ground.

A small-growing, branching shrub, with obovate-lanceolate leaves, and compound umbels of yellowish flowers.

A native species of low, and bushy growth, with close umbels or terminal clusters of pretty pinky flowers.

The flowers are ivory-white, and produced in large umbels towards the end of autumn, but our early frosts too often mar their beauty.

It produces a profusion of umbel-like corymbs of pretty white flowers, that are succeeded by curious swollen membraneous purplish fruit.

S. GLAUCA has its herbaceous parts covered with a thick pubescence; leaves pubescent on both sides, and with yellow flowers produced in umbels.

A wiry twiggy shrub, fully 4 feet high, with entire leaves, and small, white flowers produced in umbels at the tips of the last year's shoots.

This is a distinct species with horizontally arranged branches, small, roundish, three-lobed leaves, and white flowers arranged in umbel-like corymbs.

This is a charming hardy species, which in May and June is covered with numerous umbels of showy white flowers.

The Pyrola, named by the Indians Pipsissewa, and regarded by them as a specific for consumption, suspends its pale purple flowers in beautiful umbels, as if to invite the feeble invalid to accept its proffered remedies.

Here may also be found the coarse-haired Asclepias tuberosa, with fiery red umbels, the strong-scented Monarda fistulosa, and an umbelliferous plant, the grass-like, spiculated leaves of which recall to mind the Southern Agaves, the Eryngo.

If the young Zouave of the family looks smart in his new uniform, its respectable head is content, though he himself grow seedy as a caraway-umbel late in the season.

He examines the trees; they are myrtles of various heights; but among their glossy branches, he in vain seeks traces of the pruning-knife or shears; nature alone has thus disposed in spheroids or umbels the extremities of this rich vegetation.

The blossoms of the cultivated cherry are in umbels, while those of the wild cherry are borne in racemes.

"'Umbel' means 'like an umbrella,' and 'raceme' means 'growing along a stem.'" "Very well indeed!"

They are trees or shrubs with smooth serrated leaves, which are folded together when young, and white or reddish flowers growing in bunches, like umbels, and preceding the leaves or in terminal racemes accompanying or following the leaves.

The flower-stem rises directly from the root, simple; from 2 to 4 ft. in height, as thick as a man's finger, bearing its flowers in a loose simple umbel on the summit; and, when large and full blown, it presents a beautiful and delicate appearance.

COW-PARSLEY.The umbels produce a yellow colour, and the juice of the other parts of the plant a beautiful green.

DEADLY CARROT.The umbels are employed by the spanish peasants to dye yellow.

All the water parsneps may be confounded with it: but these are known by the smallness of the umbels; and they are generally in bloom, so that this circumstance is a good criterion.

22 examples of  umbel  in sentences