611 examples of unaccountable in sentences

It was an unaccountable satisfaction.

It was unaccountable.

From their limited knowledge of the facts the explosion seemed unaccountable, but there was sufficient intelligence among them to determine that dynamite had caused it and dug this gaping hole in the stony soil.

A sad depression of spirits, a most unaccountable nervousness; from which I have been partially relieved by an odd accident.

What unaccountable vagary of memory had ever recalled it to him?

She was prouder than ever of her boy; and, truth to tell, her opposition was only what Mrs. Kinzer had considered it, a piece of unaccountable "nonsense," to be brushed away by just such a hand as the widow's own.

While able to walk, he met the deacon, and singular, nay, unaccountable as it seemed to the niece, the uncle soon contracted a species of friendship for, not to say intimacy with, this stranger.

He had been confronting a novel and unaccountable thing.

Only the relation of master and slave implies the status of sovereign power vested in an unaccountable superior.

We must now conclude our account of this "unaccountable" production.

In short, I wrote in the style of Scott and Dickens; and as fashionable society then spoke and behaved, as it still does, in no style at all, my transcriptions of Oxford and Mayfair may nowadays suggest an unaccountable and ludicrous ignorance of a very superficial and accessible code of manners.

Faithful, in spite of her terror, could not but feel a mild degree of triumph in her sister's evident conviction that what she had seen was, to say the least, unaccountable.

Bread which had been saved from the previous day was brought forth from pockets and hiding-places, and for some unaccountable reason a piece of good butter was brought in.

AU´BRI'S DOG showed a most unaccountable hatred to Richard de Macaire, snarling and flying at him whenever he appeared in sight.

then do we feel an unaccountable assurance that angels visit the beautiful domain; then that (though viewlessly) they rejoice with, they sorrow for, (if angels can sorrow) and they minister unto "the heirs of salvation," as they did in the days of old, and as they will do, to the end of time.

I knew of many strange and unaccountable things that happened during the Revolution, but the conversion of Gil Lester from toryism capped the climax.

Sometimes, at the sight of Paul, she ran up to him playfully, when all of a sudden an unaccountable embarrassment seized her; a lively red coloured her cheeks, and her eyes no longer dared to fix themselves on his.

The island was barely descried on the horizon, and was not to be noticed at all; but as Sir Thomas looked at it, he was seized by an unaccountable desire to steer toward it.

This suggestion betrays in the critic an unaccountable ignorance of his subject.

"He discovered in the youth some disagreeable qualities which to him were wholly unaccountable.

It appears at present a most unaccountable proceeding in every part of it, for he seems to have forfeited his popularity, on which his consequence depended, for a consideration which he might have commanded at any time; and yet he does not make an absolute retreat, for in that case one should think he would have taken the peerage himself.

David walked on mechanically, unmindful of any destination or definite purpose; a dumb bitterness wrung his heart, and, in comparison with that, all that was external and objective seemed unaccountable.

Mr. Pickle approved of the plan, though he durst not venture to see the boy; so much was he intimidated by his wife, whose aversion to her firstborn became every day more inveterate and unaccountable.

The all-form assuredly differs from the each-form, but the matter is the same in both, and the each-form only an unaccountable appearance.

At last there came onea simple cross, cut in paper, intended to be hung up as a transparency before the windowthat in some unaccountable way suggested old associations.

611 examples of  unaccountable  in sentences