40 examples of unalterably in sentences

" FAVRE: "France adheres unalterably to her previous resolution.

"I must remind you that the dominion of the infernal regions is unalterably attached to the person of the present Queen thereof.

"We are unalterably convinced that England is our mortal enemy, and that all endeavours to find a modus vivendi will be in vain.

Moreover, as his influence has been so forceful a part of the great onward-moving modern current of democratic enlargement,and in Great Britain one of its most discreet and potent directors,his fame is secure; it is unalterably a part of the noblest history of the English people.

The best and quickest cure of all," he went on, speaking very gently and with a hand upon the clergyman's arm, "is to lead it towards its object, provided that object is not unalterably hostileto let it find rest where" He stopped abruptly, and the eyes of the two men met in a single glance of comprehension.

Perhaps I insist too strongly on the advisability of treating a dramatic theme as clay to be modelled and remodelled, rather than as wood or marble to be carved unalterably and once for all.

If it was neither by the anger of the gods, nor by fate, according to whose laws the course of human affairs is unalterably fixed, but by misconduct that we were undone at Cannae; but whose was that misconduct; the soldiers', or that of their generals?

We may have the greatest respect for them and they for us, but purposes are unalterably different.

It was plain, too, in the days that followed; never an hour did she give herself up to thought; she was easy and natural as ever, unalterably shallow and foolish, unalterably a servant-girl.

It was plain, too, in the days that followed; never an hour did she give herself up to thought; she was easy and natural as ever, unalterably shallow and foolish, unalterably a servant-girl.

I have already shown that he, with many other pious men, believed that slavery was a divine institution and that, therefore, the abolitionists were entirely in the wrong; but that, at the same time, he was unalterably opposed to secession.

2. That time, in the Divine mind, is to be measured in a more enlarged sense; but the propagation of truth goes on, as obstacle after obstacle is withdrawn, surely, steadily, unalterably, and that its spread over the entire globe is a mere question of time.

When I went in, she lay there awake, looking at her trophy, as she came to call it, her eyes with all their light quenched and sodden out with crying, her face pale and unalterably sad, but natural in its sweetness and mobility.

Some seemed uneasy and careworn, and glanced about nervously; had their countenances not been unalterably yellow, they would certainly have been white.

And the kind of beard that is unalterably associated with self-righteousness.

On the contrary, after having carefully examined the different kinds of evidence of which the subject was susceptible, and recollecting all that had already passed upon the subject, it was not without considerable pain, that I felt myself unable to discover any way in which I could be perfectly and unalterably satisfied of my patron's innocence.

" "That is better!" said the judge, and the scratching of the greffier's pen recorded unalterably Mrs. Wilmott's avowal.

The fact was, that Bridget was an heiress; if not on a very large scale, still an heiress, and, what was more, unalterably so in right of her mother; and the thought that a son of his competitor, Doctor Woolston, should profit by this fact, was utterly insupportable to him.

For as their Alps through each succeeding year Yield the same rootstheir streams flow ever on In the same channelsnay, the clouds and winds The selfsame course unalterably pursue, So have old customs there, from sire to son, Been handed down, unchanging and unchanged; Nor will they brook to swerve or turn aside From the fixed even tenor of their life.

I would not have the parting make her sorrowfulor not, at least, too unalterably sorrowful.

"Your youthful beauty," said she, "might captivate any heart, and your merit will fix for ever that of Eliduc, who is unalterably attached to you, and whose grief for your loss was such as to preclude all hopes of consolation.

Her father could seldom find time to be with his daughter; but, though seldom personally present, yet his whole soul was faithfully, unalterably devoted to her.

She was unalterably true to her divine womanly ideals of woman's nature, place in society and redemptive work.

Had he done so, however, he would have been astonished to find his canon reversed, and to have perceived that the primary condition of the realist's success, and the distinctive note of those writers who have pressed genius into the service of realism, is that they do not sharethat they are unalterably and ostentatiously free fromthe emotions to which they appeal in their readers.

I wish not for an answer; my resolution is unalterably fixed.

40 examples of  unalterably  in sentences