42 examples of uncivilised in sentences

Hence it holds a prominent place in the history of primitive belief, and at the present day prevails largely among rude and uncivilised races, survivals of which even linger on in our own country.

At the outset, it may be noticed that various drugs and narcotic potions have, from time immemorial, been employed for producing dreams and visionsa process still in force amongst uncivilised tribes.

'Sir, that is being so uncivilised as not to understand the common rights of humanity.' At the inn where we stopped he was exceedingly dissatisfied with some roast mutton which we had for dinner.

She laughed pleasantly, but with a faint inflection of derision, as if she knew, as she did, that the uncivilised children of the foothills, like their fathers, fear nothing on earth so much as rattlers and ridicule.

XXII.While Caesar remains in these parts for the purpose of procuring ships, ambassadors come to him from a great portion of the Morini, to plead their excuse respecting their conduct on the late occasion; alleging that it was as men uncivilised, and as those who were unacquainted with our custom, that they had made war upon the Roman people, and promising to perform what he should command.

But the relations between civilised countries on the one hand, and uncivilised or semi-civilised countries on the other hand, are very much more difficult in many ways.

Hence the civilised countries of the world have gradually been led to assume jurisdiction in uncivilised regions, and have converted many of them into colonies or "protectorates" or "spheres of influence."

They are, however (as is to be expected from superior intellect while still uncivilised), more difficult to manage than the Congos, and highly impatient of control.

No sound of war is to be heard in it, and when I think how completely some of our novelists have failed when trying to deal with contemporary events I cannot be too thankful that this novel is laid in a period before the Germans became an uncivilised nation.

We might make head against the foe if we laid to heart the lesson our national history in India teachesnamely, that the way to fight uncivilised enemies is to encourage them to cut one another's throats, and then step in and inherit the spoil.

Was the whole race in each of these cases subjugated, or exterminated, and that by uncivilised man with his primitive weapons?

But if their own ears are so uncivilised and barbarous, will not the authority of even the most learned men influence them?

It was anti-social, stupid, uncivilised, all I most hated, to let emotion play the devil with one's reasoned principles and theories.

* I had the thought of going across Hindustan by engine, but did not like to leave my ship, to which I was very attached, not sure of finding anything so suitable and good at Calcutta; and, moreover, I was afraid to abandon my petrol motor, which I had taken on board with the air-windlass, since I was going to uncivilised land.

I cannot help thinking that there is some shadow of this uncivilised materialism lying at present upon a much more dignified and valuable cause.

The most ordinary transaction with uneducated ('that is uncivilised') people made him uncomfortable.

In most uncivilised countries the natives use their arms against the wild animals of the forest.

Upon our arrival thither, we found an immense concourse of people assembled; for here, as in most uncivilised or early states of society, the disposition and good qualities of the deceased are made known by the number of friends and followers who meet at his funeral.

They are unseemly things for men to wear; it is as though one were uncivilised.

I have all the uncivilised instincts.

But the nation which believes in war is ipso facto an uncivilised nation.

We have all of us uncivilised instincts, but it does not make them civilised to join with a million other people in indulging them.

It is really that we are all horribly uncivilised, and can't bear to give ourselves away, or to be given away.

Your Beatitude will no doubt ask with astonishment how it comes that such uncivilised men, destitute of any knowledge of letters, have preserved for such a long time the tradition of their origin.

In the uncivilised North they remained buffoons; but in the South, where the greater refinement of life demanded more artistic performance, the musical part of their entertainment became predominant and the joculator became the joglar (Northern French, jongleur), a wandering musician and eventually a troubadour, a composer of his own poems.

42 examples of  uncivilised  in sentences