314 examples of unconsciousness in sentences

he asked, but the man seemed to have dropped into unconsciousness.

I prayed that unconsciousness would come.

I had a glimpse of Shalah's grave face as I slipped into unconsciousness.

It came really but from the air of her friend, from the perfect benevolence and high unconsciousness with which he kept his postureas if to show he could patronize her from below upward quite as well as from above down.

The plausibility of each was dissipated by the catastrophic events though both still linger in stubborn unconsciousness of their demise.

Reinforced by his complete weariness, it ought to send him into a sleep profound enough to drown any possible abnormal impulses of unconsciousness.

In drowning, especially, recoveries are on record after two hours or more of unconsciousness; hence, the Schaefer method, being easy of operation, is more likely to be persisted in.

And he was whistlingthe only sound in a silence which seemed to stretch as far as the desertwhistling gaily in apparent unconsciousness that the whole affair was anything but play.

He tickled the sliver of the donkey's ear, whereat Jag Ear wiggled the sliver in blissful unconsciousness that he had lost any of the ornamental equipment of his tribe.

Dick still professed to be slightly skeptical, and met Charity's severely questioning eye with bland unconsciousness.

Imagine a musical talent that is to compose an important score; consciousness and unconsciousness will be related like the warp and the woof, a simile that I am so fond of using.

She hung upon every word that fell from the philosopher's lips, pored over the elegant trifles the scholar had collected for the wondering ignorant, and stood abashed before the studied unconsciousness of power,the power of vast learning, that she felt for the first time.

Either death brought an absolute unconsciousness, or the soul soared into space.

She was perfectly natural, and, though shy and reserved among strangers, had a quiet, easy grace of manner, that showed at once deference for them and utter unconsciousness of self.

This reduction of the intellect to the blind unconsciousness of the lower organs will strike some as a violation of man's best beliefs, and as saying very little for the particular intellect that can be so reduced.

Towards midnight of that day, December 22, after a period of unconsciousness, she quietly passed away.

Charlotte was bold, and Emily was bolder; but this audacity of Anne's was greater than Charlotte's boldness or than Emily's, because it was willed, it was deliberate, open-eyed; it had none of the superb unconsciousness of genius.

Long afterward, she shuddered up out of her unconsciousness.

There was something so startlingly frank, so hopelessly self-satisfied, so contagiously good-humored in the woman's perfect moral unconsciousness, that even if Mrs. Tucker had been less preoccupied her resentment would have abated.

" "That's just it, Rosey," returned Abner Nott with sublime unconsciousness, "photographs and love letters you can't sell for cash, and I don't mind givin' 'em away, if they kin make a feller-creature happy.

"When your mother died, just this side o' Sweetwater, Rosey," said Mr. Nott, with beaming unconsciousness, "she had n't any trunks.

It was only her apparent unconsciousness which could draw either the wolf-dog or the master.

If that should become visible to him he would instantly know that all her apparent unconsciousness was a sham, and then she would have lost him truly!

At last all became a blank upon his brain, and he relapsed once more into unconsciousness.

This fainting combined with feminine tact the advantages of consciousness and unconsciousness.]

314 examples of  unconsciousness  in sentences