29 examples of under treatment in sentences

They were very completely realized by me, who saw them appear day by day and disappear under treatment.

The fact that Mary Coombe had been a drug victim under treatment did not come out at the inquest.

There are at the present time 149 prisoners under treatment, 8 Ottoman officers and 141 soldiers, distributed as follows: Surgical cases (wounds): 66; among them 13 invalids and 6 who have undergone amputation and have been detained a long time in the hospital.

The collegian under treatment would often wrap up something in a paper and give it to him, "For the Father of the Marshalsea." II.The Child of the Marshalsea The youngest child of the Father of the Marshalsea, born within the jail, was a very, very little creature indeed when she gained the knowledge that while her own light steps were free to pass beyond the prison gate, her father's feet must never cross that line.

It must be remembered, however, that the standard of verisimilitude naturally and properly varies with the seriousness of the theme under treatment.

Dogs that are used for sheep and cattle ought, twice a year at least, to go under treatment for the expulsion of worms, whether they are infested or not; an anthelmintic would make sure, and could hardly hurt them.

Some practitioners, with the wedge, apply also a clamp, thus assuring additional firmness and solidity to that portion of the wall under treatment.

In conclusion, the author says: 'I can safely recommend this line of treatment to any practitioner having an obstinate case under treatment.' Removal of the Wall and Excision of the Necrotic Tissue.

The battery is kept up by adding every eight days a few thousandths of hydrochloric acid to a vatful of the spirits under treatment, say 5 kilos.

It is good policy for us, perhaps, if our minds are to be under treatment from their books,and it grows plainer every day that no person of mind can well escape from them,that our bodies should continue subject to their boluses.

Wherever our two historians have the same point under treatment, we discern this antagonism between them,never in a single case manifesting itself in an offensive or bitter way, but tending greatly to give a brisk and quickening vigor to their pages.

The task had been appreciably delayed by Frank, the dog, who, with a quaint relish for shoe blacking, had licked a superb polish from one shoe while the other was under treatment.

It necessitates the use of a solution of sulphuric acid, but, as this latter destroys most colors, it cannot be used when it is desired to preserve the tint of the woolen under treatment.

Testimonials from several highly respectable relatives, now in asylum, or under treatment at seaside.

Intemperance was then under treatment by Washingtonianism.

At de present time I's under treatment o' young Dr. Stowers, my marster's gran'chil'.

I am endeavoring now to put myself under treatment for the pain and weakness I feel when I try to walk (with sticks) in the street... Really yours, J.C. CROLY.

"Wos they bank bills; and, if so, what bank wos they on?" Marcus answered the question to the best of his knowledge, and the juror sagely nodded, and took the reply under treatment.

say, Nancy"his eyes fixing themselves with sullen greediness on the central figure of the group he has lefton the slight round arm (after all, not half so round or so white as Barbara's or mine)which is still under treatment, "is eau de cologne good for those sort of bites?her arm is bad, you know!" "Bad!"

To understand fully what was to be accomplished, in order to transform the young cretin into an active, healthy child, it is necessary that we should glance at his physical and mental condition, when placed under treatment.

The chaplains and other officers of our State prisons and penitentiaries will testify that a large proportion of the inmates of those establishments, though not idiots, are weak-minded and imbecile; and it by no means a rare circumstance to find persons, who should properly be under treatment as idiots, suffering the doom of the felon.

The above operation of detaching the bast layer from the stem is technically known as "retting," and a good type of retting or steeping place is an off-set of a run, branch, or stream where the water moves slowly, or even remains at rest, during the time the plants are under treatment.

15 is of the latter type, and such machines are so-called because the various pairs of rollers are so disposed around the cylinder that they occupy almost a complete circle, and the fibre under treatment must move from pair to pair to undergo the combing and splitting action before coming into contact with the doffer.

It is to avoid this rupture of fibres that the distance between the two sets of rollers is greater than the longest fibres under treatment.

The very kindest suggestion I can make is that you visit an alienist and place yourself under treatment.

29 examples of  under treatment  in sentences