22 examples of undercut in sentences

This dish resembles the sirloin, except that it has no fillet or undercut.

This dish is served differently at various tables, some preferring it to come to table with the fillet, or, as it is usually called, the undercut, uppermost.

Still the undercut is best eaten when hot; consequently, the carver himself may raise the joint, and cut some slices from the under side, in the direction of from 1 to 2, as the fillet is very much preferred by some eaters.

The ousel haunts them, while still hang about their coasts the thin undercut drifts that never quite leave the high altitudes.

With that quiet smile and guileless manner he had undercut and outwitted the most cunning of Orientals.

The effect upon the eye is not monotonous, for a patient art has infinitely varied the combinations of pattern and the juxtapositions of color; while the depth of undercutting of the stucco, and the treatment of the bronze doors and of the carved cedar corbels, necessarily varies with the periods which produced them.

They undercut his figures even when it was a loss to do so, knowing that in the end they would ruin him and drive him out of their path forever!

"There's a milliner in this block who is selling those same ribbons for fifty cents a yard," she said, "and of course, Denton, Day & Co. are not going to stand that; they are going to undercut her in everything until they break up her business.

"They undercut his prices so that he could not sell his books, then when his bills came due he could not pay them.

There should be no more grinding down in the work-rooms where his goods were made, no undercutting of prices to ruin a brother merchant.

Then jointly they chopped down to this sawed line, and there was the undercut complete, a deep notch on the side to which the tree would fall.

That done, they swung the ends of their springboards, or if it were a thick trunk, made new holding notches on the other side, and the long saw would eat steadily through the heart of the tree toward that yellow, gashed undercut, stroke upon stroke, ringing with a thin, metallic twang.

It is a hearty outbreak against that apparent necessity for elegance and sexual specialisation that undercuts so much feminine achievement, that reduces so much feminine art and writing to vapidity, and holds back women from the face of danger and brave and horrible deaths.

The need for industrial equality had been forced upon the apprehension of men unionists after they had themselves suffered for long years from the undercutting competition of women.

In Bowers' tent they had some of Chinaman's undercut in their hoosh yesterday, and say it was excellent.

The snow seems to get softer as we advance; the sastrugi, though sometimes high and undercut, are not hardno crusts, except yesterday the surface subsided once, as on the Barrier.

When we consider the amount of labor required in polishing a nickel plated article, and the impossibility of finishing off bright an undercut surface, this becomes an important addendum to the nickel plater's list of odds and ends.

That portion of the back of the slab which is undercut is formed by means of soft India-rubber cores.

Nay, he enters deeply into what even scepticism has to say for itself; he puts himself into the infidel's state of mind, in which the world, as a great fact, seems to give the lie to all religions, converting them into phenomena which counterbalance and negative each other, and he goes down into that lowest abyss and bottom of things, at which the intellect undercuts spiritual truth altogether.

They do not seek admission in some special way, nor do they wish to undercut men by accepting lower salaries.

The standard of their work is raised by the "moving-down" or "degrading" of duties, without any improvement in pay such as they would probably be able to obtain if women were not involuntarily undercutting them.

It could not have come about, still less could it last, were there not an honest and widespread belief that without duties the variety of industries needful to make a civilized and prosperous nation could not be attained in young countries where nascent enterprises are almost certain to be undercut and undersold by the giant capitalists and cheaper labour of the old world.

22 examples of  undercut  in sentences