81 examples of understandingly in sentences

I can speak understandingly on this subject, and from evidences furnished by my own personal experience and observation.

"These old mining camps have atmospheres all their own," he admitted understandingly.

"Sure," nodded Midshipman Dan understandingly.

In few other matters is so small a measure of liberty understandingly granted a grown person, even in America.

" "No wonder you remember your years with the Giants best," said Hootsey understandingly.

The mother smiled, understandingly, when I said, "No, I thank you, you dear, generous little girl; I don't care about oranges.

He expostulates with his oxen very understandingly, and speaks gee, and ree, better than English.

"To all this I nodded understandingly; but when, presently, the young man left me I took my duplicate key and made for the door of the Chapel.

Whoever had not seen these would be out of society for a week to come, and not be able to converse understandingly on the topics of the day.

And even the percentages I have mentioned do not adequately represent the ignorance of the masses of the people, because more than half of those returned by the census enumerators as literates cannot read understandingly a connected sentence in a book or newspaper and can only write their own names.

"Go 'n lend 'em a hand, boy, since yer so gone on it," the jerseyed one recommended quite understandingly.

" "'Em got a stream down, and all a rest of he anchors stowed," said the black, whose dark eye was glancing understandingly at the vessel, while he still continued to east his pebbles into the air: "S'pose he jam a helm hard a-port, misser Harry, and take a tide on he larboard bow, what you t'ink make him kick and gallop about!

The book, which is the record of his progress thus far, is now cordially commended to the public, and it will be read, perhaps, more understandingly after a perusal of the following outline sketch of the difficulties the author had to contend witha letter written in reply to a note from the writer asking for some of the particulars of his start and progress: To.

Nor can it be denied that there is an obligation resting upon all men, to use speech fairly and understandingly.

The deaf and dumb also, to whom none of the letters express or represent sounds, may be taught to read and write understandingly.

The rancher looked at the other understandingly.

As when they had started, with one motion, apparently without an effort, he was once more in his seat; and again as at first, equally understandingly, equally willingly, that instant the broncho sprang into a lope.

Parker nodded understandingly; but Mead, who was city bred, looked mystified.

There was nothing to do; and standing there the three men looked understandingly into each other's faces.

"She's loaded fur b'ar!" "Keep your eyes open," Dade warned Bill Wilson when he turned to ride back; and Bill nodded understandingly.

" Their eyes met understandingly, and Dill shook his head.

By means of this forethought and consideration he will be enabled to work understandingly.

The fingers of the two flashed their signals back and forth; then a look of relief came into Locke's face; he even smiled, and nodded understandingly at the two young men.

" He nodded understandingly.

The jailer's eyes glittered understandingly and with a backward glance down the lighted corridor he thrust his head and shoulders inside.

81 examples of  understandingly  in sentences