22 examples of understating in sentences

To say that Mr. Laing is absolutely certain of the all-sufficiency of evolutionism to explain everything that is knowable to the human mind, that he does not hint for a moment that this philosophy is found by the "bell-wethers" of science to be every day less satisfactory as a complete rationale of the physical cosmos; is really to understate the case for sheer lack of words to express the intensity of his conviction.

But the evidence will convince him that I have understated the case against General Dyer.

And when I say it puzzled me like the dickens, I am understating it; if anything.

[in either extreme, of overstating or of understating] are both blamable, but the exaggerating man more so than the other.

He understated it by twenty thousand or more: yet on all these negroes, in respect of property, were two millions and more claimed: for all these the compensation money was given and taken, which Parliament had lavishly bestowed.

FOOTNOTES: [Footnote A: It seems that I have understated the truth; but I prefer to do so; I wish, above all, to avoid exaggeration.

These brief summaries are reliable from the absence of all exaggeration, but cannot be depended upon by the historian, for a very singular reason, namely, that almost invariably the Confederate successes are understated.

This is, perhaps, to put it too low; but it is better to understate the case than to appear to exaggerate it.

And this conclusion of the case seems to show that the statement of the position of the Prime-minister in the cabinet is rather understated by Mr. Gladstone in one of his essays,[280] where he says: "The head of the British government is not a Grand Vizier.

In fact, she had greatly understated it.

I believe that I understate the sum when I say that, in pursuit of this will-of-the-wisp (the liberties of Europe and the balance of power), there has been extracted from the industry of the people of this small island no less an amount than £2,000,000,000 sterling.

Filson stuff is understated and invincible; it would be like a visit to the temple.

It is comparatively easy to conceal one's ownership of some kinds of personal property, or to understate one's income.

He had very greatly understated the facts of the case.

Neither the existence, nor the extent, of the latter have been called in question, and in reckoning the submerged at one tenth of the entire population it is generally admitted that their numbers have been understated rather than otherwise.

That is the due of boys who overstate, and men who understate, their age in order to serve their country in the field.

McKee says, "17 men killed"; evidently he either wilfully understated the truth, or else referred only to the particular tribes with which he was associated.

McKee always understates the British force and loss, and greatly overstates the loss and force of the Americans.

This seems understated, but I accept it as the aphidavit of another noted helminthologist.

On this trip I became convinced that all of the engineers interested, except the consulting engineer, had grossly understated the difficulties which must be overcome before the road could be completed.

Now the personal property of Upjack, Chiffield & Co. is valued on the same tax rolls (which always understate it) at three hundred thousand dollars.

I find that I have been rather understating the troubles of the march.

22 examples of  understating  in sentences