Do we say underwater or under water

underwater 21 occurrences

Most of these vessels were torpedoed by German submarines, although in some cases it has not been established whether the damage was inflicted by mines or underwater boats.

They have been found upto a height of 23,000 feet up Mount Everest as well as underwater.

Grand Fleet submarines were used in the northern areas during 1916, and Harwich submarines operated farther south, but the number of underwater craft available was insufficient for any extended method of attack.

It was only on rare occasions that it was possible to bring off a successful attack on a submarine that had been sighted, the low underwater speed of submarines making it difficult to get into position when the enemy was only sighted at short range, which was naturally usually the case.

The otter could not escape now, since the hounds would watch the underwater entrance to the cave among the alder roots, while the terrier would crawl down from the other side.

While swimming underwater she collided with a middle-sized sea-serpent, which was evidently in difficulties and made its way to the beach, where it expired.

With its help he even managed to secure a foothold on the narrow one-brick ledge which terminated the deep underwater wall of the reservoir.

The underwater zoo.

Diving, cutting & welding in underwater salvage operations.

Underwater fight.

R611338. Underwater explosions.

Underwater operation.

The underwater zoo.

Diving, cutting & welding in underwater salvage operations.

Underwater fight.

R611338. Underwater explosions.

Underwater operation.

Evidently she was indulging in one of her underwater tricks.

It seemed to him that there should be some way of communicating through the water and of listening for sounds underwater.

Thus the idea of underwater signaling was born.

VIII TELEGRAPHING BENEATH THE SEA Early Efforts at Underwater TelegraphyCable Construction and ExperimentationThe First CablesThe Atlantic Cable ProjectedCyrus W. Field Becomes InterestedOrganizes Atlantic Telegraph CompanyProfessor Thomson as Scientific AdviserHis Early Life and Attainments.

under water 372 occurrences

The bottom was all under water, and before they had proceeded a mile half the group were drenched.

Dr. Douglas, of Glasgow, resuscitated a person who had been under water for fourteen minutes, by simply rubbing the whole of his body with warm flannels, in a warm room, for eight hours and a half, at the end of which time the person began to show the first symptoms of returning animation.

Thereupon the submarine, now a blinded thing, rushed along under water in imminent danger of self-destruction from collision with the cruisers above.

"The introduction of vessels that swim under water," he said, "has in my opinion entirely done away with the utility of the ships that swim on top of the water.

I consented readily that, except on the rare occasions when the heavens were visible, the short night, from the fall of the evening to the dissipation of the morning mists, should be passed under water.

At times they are deep under water, and they form part of the teeming life of the ocean floor.

The stern, and up to the funnel is now all under water.

De Vries has shown that when a shoot of a vigorous plant, for instance a Helianthus, is bent down under water, care being taken not to break it even in the slightest degree, a clean, sharp cut will give a surface which will retain the power of absorbing water for a long time; while a similar shoot cut in the open air, even if the end is instantly plunged under water, will wither much sooner than the first."Physiological Botany, p. 263.]

Tom saw that he was in the seventh heaven, and went on: but he had not gone three steps before he pulled up short, slapping his hands together once, as a man does who has found what he wants; and then plunged up to his knees in a rock pool, and then began working very gently at something under water.

They are formed for a different element, and could not nourish under water, especially salt water.

Mr. Tyrrel had a dam belonging to this river privately cut, about a fortnight before the season of harvest, and laid the whole under water.

Even in the banks of the stream, then under water, there were holes, but they all extended obliquely without exception, there being no perpendicular burrows and no mounds.

I do not say that they are wholly submerged, but they pass a sort of amphibious existence, being part of the time under water and part of the time on land,some part of their life being spent in the most abject poverty, and some part of it in absolute starvationpositively for the time submerged, and liable at any moment to be lastingly engulfed.

Cement stones are also calcined; but the resulting material will not fall to pieces or slake under water.

A wretch kills a boy for the surgeons, by holding his head under water; 'Silly dog!' cries the Morning Herald, 'why did not he clap a sponge dipped in prussic acid to the boy's mouth?'" Here we were interrupted by a slight noise in the next box, which a gentleman had just entered.

Under Water People, pity us!

Such a catastrophe is of not unfrequent occurrence, when whalemen thus towed by a whale are tempted to hold on too long; and many instances have happened of boats and their crews being in this way dragged under water and lost.

The boat now careened so far that her gunwale was under water; he saw that he must take in the mainsail.

Look, that low-lying land is under water already.

Thereupon the lad was sent by night to Jericho, and there in a swimming-pool at Herod's command was held under water by the Gauls until he was drowned.

"Well, he also was dipped some time ago," rejoined Friend Hopper; "but his neighbors say they didn't get the crown of his head under water.

By means of a diving-bell, its cargo of lead, which had been lying thirty-five years under earth and under water, was brought to light.

Descending from this we entered a low plain, the northern part of which is evidently at times under water.

I knew he was swimming under water to get away.

One-third, at least, of Florence, was under water, and the flood was rapidly rising.

Do we say   underwater   or  under water