619 examples of undresses in sentences

She was in a rich undress, and was apparently an invalid.

She answered in the negative; said she was on a visit to the family, to whom she was related: added that she had not expected to see any one in the garden; but this was said as if she meant rather to apologise for her undress, than to reproach me for my intrusion.

[He undresses to his Gown.

For three nights the angry agitation and perplexity of Charles were so great that he did not undress.

The Bersagliere undress cap is a red fez with a blue tassel.

Simplicity N. simplicity; plainness, homeliness; undress, chastity.

He had begun to undress, when Blake, who had swum half-way across the stream, gave a sudden cry.

Madam, shall we undress you for this fight?

And Farll had been forced to help him to undress!

He took his feet down from the rung of the other chair, pulled his undress jacket into place, and took up a pen.

"She dresses and undresses me.

The young Nurse who attended to undress her, asked her if she had enjoyed herself.

A light, active form, in the undress attire of a naval officer, sprang upon the taffrail, and waved a sea-cap in salute.

At about that hour I assisted him to undress, and left him in his slippers and dressing-gown.

This old man wore a flowered silk dressing-gown and ruffles, and he remarked a gold ring on his finger, and on his head a cap of velvet, such as, in the days of perukes, gentlemen wore in undress.

I did not even try to undress that night.

They did not undress and they left the lights burning, intending to watch for the return of the woman.

We were pretty well accommodated at the Hôtel du Paradis, situated in a narrow street of very high houses, with a hairdresser's shop opposite, exhibiting in one of its windows two full-length waxen ladies, twirling around and around: which so enchanted the hairdresser himself, that he and his family sat in armchairs, and in cool undresses, on the pavement outside, enjoying the gratification of the passers-by, with lazy dignity.

" Trove was all a-shiver in the time it took him to undress, and his breath came out of him in spreading shafts of steam.

My mother used to undress me and put me to bed, when she was not pressed with her own work; and even then she used to come and kiss me and see that I had not kicked the quilt off before she lay down for her short sleep.

Nobody undresses these nights and few go to bed.

she said, glancing around on these reflections, "I'll have to turn you out again while I undress.

He hastily sprang up, and as he was, unwashed, without breakfast, in his undress uniform, his old cap, and his high boots, shewing all the marks of his long day in the saddle, he mounted his horse and rode down to the spot near the highroad where the Emperor in his carriage, accompanied by three officers and attended by three more on horseback, awaited him.

As he sat on the grass eating pie, the major sauntered up in undress uniform.

At dawn of the morning of the 21st of July, an officer in plain undress was busily writing at a table in a plainly-furnished apartment of a farm-house near Manassas.

619 examples of  undresses  in sentences