11 examples of unforgetable in sentences

But two things were always with him as if they had been but yesterday, rising clear and unforgetable above all others, like the two stars in the North that never lost their brilliance.

The third unforgetable thing was about to occur in the home they had found for themselves under the swamp windfall during the days of cold and famine.

the merely clever and pretty, as certainly as the vulgar and insincere, and because it has gathered into itself the simplest and most unforgetable thoughts of the generations, it is the soil where all great art is rooted.

Indeed, it resurrected innumerable vignettes of his life in the negro village in Hooker's Bend; it was linked with innumerable emotions, this pungent, unforgetable odor that filled the Jim Crow car.

With an unforgetable and ferocious hatred he hated the thing that had hurt him.

It is a series of magical and unforgetable pictures.

Had he not on one unforgetable occasion felt the soft flesh turn to pulp beneath his stamping feet, and heard the breaking of bones?

Her face was like a plate of fine white porcelain, and the deep eyes filled it with a strange and magnetic pathos; the abundant chestnut hair hung in the precarious support of a thin tortoiseshell; and there was something unforgetable in the manner in which her aversion for the elder woman betrayed itselfa mere nothing, and yet more impressive than any more obvious and therefore more vulgar expression of dislike would have been.

Her mother saw things clearly and definitely, and had a talent for expressing her impressions in unforgetable words.

After admiring in the museum of the abbey the artistic souvenirs of the Bourbon domination and that of Murat, they entered into a nearby trattoria with tables placed on an esplanade from whose balconies they could take in the unforgetable spectacle of the gulf, seeing Vesuvius in the distance and the chain of mountains smoking on the horizon like an immovable succession of dark rose-colored waves.

Afternoon tea on the Nile is an unforgetable function.

11 examples of  unforgetable  in sentences