5 examples of unfought in sentences

The mere threat of that great "Unfought War" cost Europe billions of dollars.

Our godlike leader, ere the stream he passed, The mighty scheme of all his labours cast, Forming the wondrous year within his thought; His bosom glowed with battles yet unfought.

Sir Edward Bruce is said to have been so much attached to the last of these knights as to have expressed his wish that the battle had remained unfought, so Ross had not died.

Far be the guilt of home-shed blood from all, On whom, unfought, imbroiling dangers fall.

He had already, with a month's experience at the seat of war, culled the glories of unfought fields, and was therefore an object of admiration to his civilian friends, and of envy to several unfledged heroes, whose maiden swords had as yet only jingled on the pavement of Broadway, or flashed in the gaslight of saloons.

5 examples of  unfought  in sentences