98 examples of unfulfilled in sentences

" The same thought was in my own mind, for Crochard must have learned of M. Pigot's arrival; and I could scarcely imagine that he would sit quietly by and permit the jewels to be taken away from himto say nothing of his chagrin over his unfulfilled boast to Godfrey.

The prophet does not specify when that time shall come, when peace shall be universal, and when all the people shall be righteous; that part of the prophecy remains unfulfilled, as well as the renewed glories of Jerusalem.

I therefore commit this book to the public once more with its imperfections on its head; with its prophecies unfulfilled, its hopes baffled, its observations in many instances rendered obsolete by the swift progress of events.

It may happen, that the parliament is in the midst of its session, that the very existence of revenue may be unprovided for, and the urgent claims of humanity unfulfilled.

The romantic yearns for the light that never was on sea or land and longs to attain the unfulfilled ambitions of the soul, even when these in full measure are not possible.

He knew the discontent of Italy and Poland because of unfulfilled promises.

Adj. violating &c v.; lawless, transgressive; elusive, evasive. unfulfilled &c (fulfill) &c 772.

[Law]. undeserved, unmerited, unearned; unfulfilled. forfeited, disfranchised. improper; unmeet, unfit, unbefitting, unseemly; unbecoming, misbecoming^; seemless^; contra bonos mores

The election for the tribunes was held immediately, lest that measure also, like others, might remain unfulfilled after the war.

These orders being unfulfilled, the cattle were sold, and an order for 250 rupees was enclosed to me in the letter.

I should not trouble them now, but for the importunities of my wife, who "feels to insist" that a duty to society is unfulfilled, till I have told why I had to have a double, and how he undid me.

His unfulfilled prophecies only help to increase that unrest.

And shame on him who should wish to rob them of such a hope, even if it interfered with his favourite "scheme of unfulfilled prophecy."

Unfulfilled desires and ambitions unrealised had combined with distaste for the daily drudgery that had fallen to my lot to embitter my poverty and cause me to look with gloomy distrust upon the unpromising future.

If so, the prophecy is yet unfulfilled.

If so, the prophecy is yet unfulfilled.

Likewise there was no lack of pilgrims, who by devious and circuitous routes sought his residence on this occasion, with tales of distress and petitions for succour; but one and all departed with their mission unfulfilled.

The most one can say is that one might like him if he were different from what he is; but as long as that remains what the grammarians call an unfulfilled condition, one's liking is of a very impersonal nature.

All depends upon whether the love, whatever it bethe love of nature or of art, of things spiritual or divine, the love of humanity, the sense of brotherly companionshipleads on to something unfulfilled and high, or whether it is satisfied.

I thought of myself as a fitful boy full of dreams and hopes, some fulfilled, some unfulfilled; those that I have realised so strangely unlike what I expected, those unrealised still beckoning with radiant visage.

The disparity between aim and performance, the unfulfilled promise, the wrong turnings taken at critical pointsas an accident of the hour draws us to take stock of a complete period of our lives, all these things rise up in private and internal judgment against anybody who is not either too stupid or too fatuously complacent to recognise facts when he sees them.

Allowance must, perhaps, in some cases be made for personal enthusiasm, or for the depression that arises from thwarted efforts and unfulfilled ideals.

We seldom hear of these unfulfilled prophecies, but they are in your Bibles.

This German phase of an essentially European political restoration had turned fiercely upon all intelligent, patriotic leaders, who called for a redemption of the unfulfilled pledges of constitutional government, given by the princes of Germany, in dire need of popular support against foreign invasion, and had construed such reminders as disloyalty and as proof of dark designs against the government.

Yes, think once again of your promise, and so Just alter your mind, it would be much too hard if You left unfulfilled your engagement to go And receive (in a casket) the Freedom of Cardiff.

98 examples of  unfulfilled  in sentences