5 examples of ungarnished in sentences

Halt in that squalid lane which looks out upon the traffic of one of the most crowded thoroughfares and listen, if you will, for some sign of life in the dark, ungarnished house which towers above you.

unadorned, bare, unornamented, undecked^, ungarnished, unarranged^, untrimmed, unvarnished.

Ile have his Sepulcher, As yet but naked and ungarnished, E're many dayes hang richer with the spoyles And vanquisht Trophyes of proud passengers Then was the Romans wealthy Capitoll.

The passion described is that of real life ungarnished by romance.

Only the week before, on his first visit to the new Chelsea quarters whither Cuningham and Watson had betaken themselves, he had stumbled upon an odd little scene in the still bare, ungarnished studio.

5 examples of  ungarnished  in sentences