24 examples of ungloved in sentences

" As she answered, her eyes happened to fall on the stranger's right hand, which was ungloved and clasping the basket.

A few jewels were half hidden in the rare lace that covered her bodice, but she was ungloved, and in no sense in the full-dress understood in the North, at a gathering of the sort.

Evidently an invalid, for his face was thin and pale, his dark hair cropped short, and the ungloved hand attenuated and delicate as a woman's.

He was ungloved, and he carried under his arm a small parcel, which appeared to contain a book, carefully done up in brown paper.

She held out her ungloved right hand and he took it and held it for a moment, then raised it to his lips; but he did not kiss it.

Her carriage was slovenly, her ungloved hands were red, her hair touzled, and her deep-toned voice over-loud and confident.

CHAPTER VI THE LOVE OF A MAN For a moment the girl hesitated, her ungloved hands clenched on her breast, her bloodless face tense with a strange grief, as she saw the outstretched arms of the man whom her treachery had almost lured to his death.

Those ungloved critics, with their shabby coats and dubious shirts, snuffy, smoky, everything they ought not to be, seemed to her a race of barbarians.

However, it was not really fruitless,that barricade,as the very next day they caught three Germans there, disguised as Sisters of Charitypapers all in orderand who would have got by, after they were detected by a little boy's calling attention to their ungloved hands, if it had not been for the number of armed old men on the barricade.

The pale face under the mantilla, the long, delicate hands, that seemed ungloved out of a voluptuous caprice, how well he knew them!

'Duke Radford, standing erect, his fine figure head and shoulders taller than those around him, except the bridegroom, smiled round on the assembly, stood holding Katherine's ungloved hand, softly stroking and patting it, until Jervis reached forward to take it, when he relinquished it with a smile and a nod, quite satisfied to have it so.

"What a chee-arming little girl!" said the painted woman, crowding in between Aunt Madge and Flyaway, and patting the child's shoulder with her ungloved hand, which was fairly ablaze with jewels; "bee-youtiful!" Flyaway turned quickly around to Aunt Madge, and said, in one of her very loud whispers, "What's the matter with her?

"Will you forgive me?" Arthur Carrollton could not resist the pleading of those lustrous eyes, nor yet refuse to take the ungloved hand she offered him; and if, in token of reconciliation, he did press it a little more fervently than Henry Warner would have thought at all necessary, he only did what, under the circumstances, it was very natural he should do.

One ungloved hand was very white too, but pudgy and covered so thickly with gems that your eye could get no clear picture of any single stone or setting.

All seemed to infer, that the amicable gauntlet, which had been thrown down, having been courteously taken up, the ungloved hands were forthwith to be grasped in token of good fellowship; we had left our names for them, and by the invitations that poured in upon us, they seemed to say with Juliet "And for thy name, which is no part of thee, Take all myself.

Directly in front sat a young couple; the girl, in a fresh white silk waist, wore so fat and new a wedding ring upon her ungloved hand, which the man held in a tight grip, that I surmised that this trip into stageland was perhaps their humble wedding journey, from which they would return to "rooms" made ready by jubilant relatives, eat a wonderful supper, and begin life.

There is a quick flash of jewelled rings ungloved to the light, and the reward is placed in that claw-like grasp by the white hand of the marchioness.

His eyes were fixed upon my ungloved left hand, which showed only too plainly the absence of my rings.

Her hands, ungloved, were shapely, but red and hard with manual labor.

* * Maggie laid her ungloved hand on the adjoining seat.

For an instant Valentine was on the point of proposing to accompany them part of the way, but recollected himself just in time to withdraw into the shadow made by a stand of greenhouse plants, and from thence see Giles come up the steps, take the delicate ungloved hand and lay it on his arm, while the hall doors were closed behind them.

The heat was oppressive; drops of perspiration rolled from the forehead of the sheriff, and at times, when he attempted to steady his uncertain limbs, his hands shrank from the heated, blistering bark he touched with ungloved palms.

she said, holding out her handthe pretty, ungloved hand that had just been kissed"is that your good night?" I bowed over the hand, I would not have touched it with my lips at that moment for all the wealth of Paris.

The instant he touched the soft and ungloved palm, an idea, as novel as it was sudden, crossed his brain.

24 examples of  ungloved  in sentences